Search results

  1. shakahislop

    the world of our forefathers

    one retromanic cultural thread that's been on my mind, submitted to the public intellectuals of dissensus for a sanity check. saw mirror last night. running through all kinds of discussions in the public realm now is the idea that things used to be better. it's in every new york discussion (if...
  2. shakahislop


    Could you do it? What would be your strategy?
  3. shakahislop

    reels AKA the shittorrent

    is anyone else dealing with this at the moment? obviously i'm not on tiktok but i do have a facebook and i have an insta. they've changed things up over the last i don't know six months or whatever and now without really trying every time i go on them they push shortform video at me. its all...
  4. shakahislop

    A F R I C A

    I'm in kinshasa for my work doing psyops and I'm going to write about it here, and we can have the thread to talk about Africa as well. europe and america (ie us) have at this point a mostly imaginary relationship with africa I think. almost no one ever goes there unless you've got roots there...
  5. shakahislop

    the STEM elite

    spent a night in a brewery in long island city with a load of of Americans with with PhDs in chemistry and that kind of thing. it's been a recurring theme in my life that I'm around people in this kind of work and as I get older these are the people with the most money and the most comfortable...
  6. shakahislop


    this week we are going to keep reducing the IQ of dissensus. i want to talk about lana del rey. i am going to start by saying that she is the inheritor of the artistic and cultural space that kanye created.
  7. shakahislop


  8. shakahislop


    is there anything interesting about Spain
  9. shakahislop

    Skibidee Toilet, the Backrooms and tiktok dreamcore

    been gradually made aware of this stuff over the past month, and there must be more of them. had thought the tiktok dreamcore stuff was just a one off niche thing but someone showed me backrooms last night, I didn't understand the thread on here about it but in it's native tiktok format it made...
  10. shakahislop

    being intimately involved with the UK left

    i'm talking about the people that actually do things. that whole world that's probably best illustrated by novara these days. it all seems to be in london. i've bounced off it a bit, vaguely known people who were involved. people who organize events protests etc. get paid by unite to organize...
  11. shakahislop

    Bungee jumping

  12. shakahislop

    Poems over tunes

    Not sure exactly what you'd call it but there's a micro-thing of people talking over music. it's a killer formula but for whatever reason almost all of it is bad and I don't know why. i think it's something to do with the way people read poetry, they do it in a very performative and unnatural...
  13. shakahislop

    Measuring the Price of Musical Ambition

    Read half of this book last night, by a couple of academics with one foot in the music industry, called Can Music Make You Sick? Measuring the Price of Musical Ambition. It's not a great name all told, but it's a good book. I've mentioned on here a load of times how striking I find it that being...
  14. shakahislop

    coronavirus detritus

    a small feature of the urban landscape at the moment is all this stuff still lying around from the pandemic. an interesting counterpoint to a much bigger trend, which is the extent to which people are trying to forget it, refusing to talk about it, even today in the week that marks 3 years since...
  15. shakahislop

    current commercial photography

    not sure if it exactly counts as 'art', but this is a big part of visual culture and thought it might be interesting to have a place to pick apart some current threads and trends. its everywhere obviously, i see as much of this as any other form of cultural production, and its a key part of the...
  16. shakahislop

    the sound of guitars

    what do you like? what do you hate? what is it about the guitar which makes it so tonally varied and so enduring? why have guitar sounds come in and out of vogue over the decades? no interest in songwriting or songs here. specifically guitar sounds.
  17. shakahislop

    America and England

    what do Americans get wrong about the UK? what do british people get wrong about America?
  18. shakahislop

    shit in art galleries

    seen anything good? ever?
  19. shakahislop

    Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam

    getting a lot out of this at the moment
  20. shakahislop

    R.L. Stein
