Rolling articles/essays/features/interviews thread


Well-known member
I can't remember if a thread of this kind exists on here but I think it would be useful for the forum to have a rolling thread for articles, essays, features, interviews etc. that people have read and would like to share.

I'll begin with a couple of obvious examples I came across this morning:

How much of UK dance music history is real?

Every era of British dance music has its myths and over-simplified narratives — hell, even little known local scenes have urban legends. Below, Matt Anniss explores how a tendency towards selective documentation of dance music culture in the UK has led to a widespread acceptance of reductive narratives, which only tell a fraction of British dance music’s complex story

24 Hour Theory People: Mark Fisher and the blogosphere

There’s been a lot written already about the work of the late English writer, blogger and cultural theorist Mark Fisher, who died in 2017. Last year, a substantial anthology of Mark’s blog writing — together with interviews, reviews, and an unfinished manuscript fragment — was published as k-punk (Repeater Books), which was also the name of his highly influential blog.

But one thing has been largely missing from the posthumous attempts to grapple with Mark’s work, and that’s the wider context of the blogosphere out of which his thinking emerged. This is not wholly surprising: the blog ‘moment’ has long passed; many of the blogs — though not k-punk — have since been deleted, and several of the more recent commentators on Mark’s work had little or nothing to do with the nexus of online self-publishing that was at its most intense and generative for roughly a decade, from 2002 onward.

Hence this three-part piece, co-authored by six writers who each participated in the blogosphere at various, overlapping stages. We conducted this discussion of the blogs — and of the k-punk anthology — in September 2019, via Google Doc; the ensuing text has been edited for length and clarity.


Beast of Burden
It's OK, it wasn't a dig at you. I just wanted to restate our collective disapproval of the piece


Well-known member
I just read part 2 of that second one, about k punk. Yeah it's alright, but just a bit meandering and lacking in any focus. They are talking about how exciting the blog scene was but they are doing it in the most boring way ever. It's all a bit wishy washy and ambivalent. I might still read part 3 tho. So thanks for posting it again. Clearly all the best Goss on k punk is not in print.


Well-known member
Me and Craner didn't like it cos we thought it should have been about us.


Well-known member
The other article is something third goes on about a fair bit. And I think if you wanted to write an academic history you would have to think seriously about that. You would have to disregard any value judgements, any consideration of what's fashionable or unfashionable. You would have to cover squat techno and handbag house happy hardcore psytrance etc. You would have to ask what was going on in unfashionable places like Newcastle or Bournmouth.

I'm not sure I buy the idea that black and working class stories are neglected exactly. Certainly not in energy flash. In fact magazine, sure. If anything, as third always says, what is neglected is the real mass movements, the superclubs, like, who wants to write about what Pete tong was up to throughout the nineties?

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Oliver Craner
Writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working
Darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there
What does he care?