Well just a fuck up really. There was a one man band I DJ-d for on Sat and it turned out he had a short film that was at some US festival right now but wasn't being shown in Europe... however he showed the trailer to the staff and they loved it and decided to do a screening yesterday.
That first bit of the story is pretty much irrelevant except to say that I had been part of making the screening happen and so I felt a sort of responsibility or something, I dunno, I really didn't want to be late and so, as a result, I let my guard down and parked it in a big, inviting open carpark which, maybe if I had been fully concentrating I would have seen was clearly a trap.
That said, I was giving my friend Aidan a lift and we both checked all over the carpark, especially at the entrance and exits and there was certainly nothing to say that at 2230 they would be dropping the metal blinds and locking anything or anyone that had strayed in, in for the night. So yeah, they got me, €18.50 - but some of them fo up to €150 if you leave it through the full night so I was lucky.
Once I parked in the big carpark under Martim Moniz which is expensive but it was like 3pm and I knew I would be there for at most two hours so it would be fine... but we bumped into some friends who worked at Crew Hassan, except it was shut and they had the keys so a few of us went down to the cellar there for a chat. Chat lasted a bit longer than expected and we suddenly realise it's 2pm the next day. Granja realises he's gotta be somewhere and he says "Guys, we gonna have to go and, whatever you do, make fucking sure you take everything you need cos I gotta post the keys back through the door so when the bar does open the next shift have a spare set".
So we check and double-check we got everything. We go to the door and again Granja says "please please make sure you got everything cos I CANNOT let you back in". We check again, we've all got everything.
So we leave and I head back to the carpark, a little worried about the cost as the fact of the punitive charges they apply to overnight stays is slowly sneaking into my brain. And wait a minute, speaking of carparks... where is that ticket thing that I need to get out? And then I have this kinda image of the ticket rolled for some reason into a sort of tube shape and then tossed casually on to the table where it is now locked completely beyond our reach. When I explain the situation to Liza she is, to say the least, not best pleased. There is a slightly heated exchange and a few harsh words are spoken.
When we get back to the carpark and see the price scheme attached to the wall matters do not improve. Seems I am on the hook for €180 plus a fine of €40 for losing the ticket! Russian is a really good language for swearing; you may not know the meaning of the words but you can often surmise when someone is not best pleased with you, especially if, for the avoidance of doubt, they clarify by punching, kicking and occasionally biting you too. Not that Liza would ever do that obviously.
Anyway I sheepishly approached the carpark attendants in their irritating little booth and, eyes shamefully staring at the floor, report the missing ticket. And they say "Sorry mate, don't argue we can't let you off, you gotta pay the full forty!" which I quickly do unable to believe my luck. Dunno why they didn't check the cameras or whatever to see when I arrived but I felt no real urge to point it out to them. Losing the ticket saved me almost two hundred euros.