
pass the sick bucket
you privilege yourself as the arbiter though, not aware that some of us have actualised similar processes through other means decades ago - sleep deprivation, chronic fatigue, acute prolonged stress

you don’t need a mystical framework for any of the above, why do you think actual torture programs utilise them

I mean I'm as anti-mystical as they come. I don't have a problem with people taking acid in the club, but why is there this incessant need to deny its intoxication and pleasurable? I'm speaking of someone who has rushed my bollocks off to jabbering force inc records whilst tripping balls...


cat malogen
I mean I'm as anti-mystical as they come. I don't have a problem with people taking acid in the club, but why is there this incessant need to deny its intoxication and pleasurable? I'm speaking of someone who has rushed my bollocks off to jabbering force inc records whilst tripping balls...



pass the sick bucket
More projecting. You've no clue what way I do anything, just your own weird deranged cat on heat take on everything due to your furious fountain of blatantly pent up sexual frustration which you try to mask with these ridiculous torrents of barely coherent data.

Ok, then why go on about how psychs aren't intoxicants for you, when the majority of western culture uses them as intoxicants? I can't converse with you if you have your idiosyncratic definitions and then pull a hissy fit because my interpretation doesn't conform to them (well of course they won't!)

Also I have no sexual frustration, anti-depressants are pretty good at nullifying that.

Ah yes. Because big pharma doesn't exist outside of the minds of conspiracy theorists.

Don't be such a tit, you know what I was referring to there. This elevating of the pharmaceutical
industry as the fount of all evil for robotic mind control, when really its concerned with making great profits.

You know why I'm on anti-depressants? Cos I can't afford to see a psychoanalyst thre times a week. I don't understand what peoples big pharma crusades offer to people like me. If we become psychotic, we're locked up. If we are able to function, we are seen as emotionless drone by psychedelic types, and apparently conformist.

You know, maybe not everyone has the capability to spend most of their youth surrendering to unpredictable psychedelic experiences for trauma resolution or to minimise the fear of death.

I don't regret going to those places, but they were messy and that was not a charm and whilst i would never say they were responsible for creating my present problems, it would be churlish to deny that they in part contributed to accentuating them. Sometimes discipline is not a bad thing.
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cat malogen
I mean I'm as anti-mystical as they come. I don't have a problem with people taking acid in the club, but why is there this incessant need to deny its intoxication and pleasurable? I'm speaking of someone who has rushed my bollocks off to jabbering force inc records whilst tripping balls...

I wouldn’t deny pleasure, one of the most pleasurable acid experiences ever had was on purple ohms stuck in a flat near Slough because a party fell through

every muscle and movement was a rushy elongated stretch of ecstasy I’ve never got close to since, it was if I was physiologically singing without recourse to vocalising throughout my being, absolute rapture of sensation

brutal comedown to quotidian reality, mind, hazy M25 murk, M1 drizzle back up country but that feeling, of every cell alighting with being, not even raw heroin has got near that

grateful it happened at all because a mate accompanying was convinced we were sold a micro dose of strychnine earlier in the evening and it was enough to get him to let go and stop holding onto the notion so tight


pass the sick bucket
Also I don't think intoxication is a bad thing. All I was saying is undisciplined intoxication is frowned upon in most traditional religious systems. Whether that is right or wrong doesn't concern me. Even the UK/US stoner types are looked down upon by some rastas, and for good reason according to their cosmology.


Can turn naughty
It's almost as if we've been over this same exact conversation before, @thirdform

You're convinced I'm some wannabe Tim Leary who's on the brink of a facist hippy outbreak and it's your job to protect whoever it is..

I'm not evangelizing rabid psych taking for everyone. It's a sensitive thing and needs to be treated with delicacy. But there's no denying that there's a lot to be gained from them being taken out from the naughty box and allowed a chance to do what they do so well, which is what Roland Griffiths has spent the last 20 odd years proving over and over just for one: they heal the really deep wounds like nothing else (in a controlled environment ofc.) That's a shortcut I would consider valid - vs years of therapy that might not even work. And if aunty Agnes gets to have a wee chat with god while she's at it, then all the better.

Ok, then why go on about how psychs aren't intoxicants for you, when the majority of western culture uses them as intoxicants?

What the majority of western culture does with psychs isn't my business. And sometimes when I do them they are just for fun, but there's always an acknowledgement on my part that I'm interfacing with something bigger than myself. I don't believe they are there just by chance. This is a point we'll have to disagree on. Because I'm definitely not anti-mystic.

Don't be such a tit, you know what I was referring to there. This elevating of the pharmaceutical
industry as the fount of all evil for robotic mind control, when really its concerned with making great profits.

Yeah, see I never said anything about mind control or nano bots or any of that. The fact that the pharma industry is run the way it is to the detriment of the entire human population, when it could just as easily be accessible for all if managed ethically is what I consider to be evil. I have no faith in them not fucking the psych thing up, but am open to being pleasantly surprised.

You know why I'm on anti-depressants? Cos I can't afford to see a psychoanalyst thre times a week. I don't understand what peoples big pharma crusades offer to people like me. If we become psychotic, we're locked up. If we are able to function, we are seen as emotionless drone by psychedelic types, and apparently conformist.

I get that man and I've been there. It's a rough ride for most of us. I think the psychedelic types you've encountered are the wrong ones unfortunately. There's plenty of sound ones who you probably wouldn't even know they were because they're not the types to let you know it.

The daft part about this thing we both end up butting heads over again and again is that if we actually sat down and chatted over a pint you'd probably realize we don't see things too differently when it comes to this subject. Even if I'm Mulder and you're Scully.


pass the sick bucket
It's almost as if we've been over this same exact conversation before, @thirdform

You're convinced I'm some wannabe Tim Leary who's on the brink of a facist hippy outbreak and it's your job to protect whoever it is..

Nah nah its never your personal politics, though I do hate Leary that's true. I was raised in strict organised religion so for me a lot of this modern spiritual babble just rubs me up the wrong way, and you deploy aspects (elements) of that discourse to varying extents, even if you have your own quite harmless and charming interpretations.

I'm trying to deal with the mindfuck and these bohemian types think mysticism is just something to play around with to feel good? Actual sufi orders are strict, disciplined and semi-secretive, not like the bizarre orientalist pap sold by charlatans like Idreez shah to oxbridge numpties. I'm from anatolia, the home of the qalandariyya and nakshbandiyya. I do not think these paths are righteous, they are quite reactionary in fact! So why do left liberal, pro-queer, anti-patriarchal types love fetishising these feudal relics? Isn't it cheap and cheesy for me as a middle easterner to see ostensibly well educated people treat what I know as their own personal playground? Which, again, let me hasten to add, this is not directed at you!

This is why I'm absolutely pro psychedelic therapy, provided it is integrated into a secular therapeutic context. By all means people can have their personal mysticism, but the danger for me is when people promote this stuff in that way, rather than for its medical potential. Just cos science is monopolised by the ruling class does not make science bad. In fact, I'm advocating for being absolutely scientific!
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Can turn naughty
There's always gonna be culture vultures. I wouldn't waste your time worrying about them.

Right now most people are in cloud cuckoo land because reality has gotten too heavy, what with the constant datastream of horrors great and small we're all addicted to consuming. Escapism is par for the course.


pass the sick bucket
There's always gonna be culture vultures. I wouldn't waste your time worrying about them.

Right now most people are in cloud cuckoo land because reality has gotten too heavy, what with the constant datastream of horrors great and small we're all addicted to consuming. Escapism is par for the course.

Yo man, there’s a gang of motherfuckers out there on the dick, man
In every motherfuckin' state
Wanna be like, wanna look like, wanna act like
Wanna dress like, wanna sound like muthafuckin' style stealin'
Clone ass N.W.A bitin' ass motherfuckin' everywhere man
Non-reality seein', non-reality feelin'
Non-reality livin' ass motherfuckers man
Hey, I don’t know, reality, it’s important to me, man
So fellas man, tell these niggas what it’s like in the minds of real niggas


is not like other people
first time i took ketamine was in a medical trial

i knew a girl who was doing a phD on ketamine (ie researching ketamine, not doing a phD entirely under the influence @Mr. Tea) she needed people who'd never taken it so i volunteered and went to the hospital where i was put on a drip and span out. then i was shown a short film about a boy going to school who is hit by a car and has both his feet amputated, i remember the shot of his stumps. answered a few questions pertaining to emotional memory and went back the next week to answer the same set of questions without the drugs.

i got paid thirty quid, which i went and spent on - ketamine
the vibe of this video was a lot like there ones @william_kent posting in the short films thread

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
This is cool - never knew this about Howard Thurman, dean of Chapel Marsh, site of Leary's famous 'experiment' in 1962:



Well-known member

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
My mate's fiancee got sent some weed by his mum in America and it came in a packet like that. It looked like an energy drink or something, all black and green.