Tales from the scene

line b

Well-known member
Seems many here have been apart of some sort of 'scene' - art, music, writing, etc. Dissensus itself was formed as an attempt to start a scene I beleive, so if you were here in 2005 blogging and forcing mark fisher to climb fences for your amusement you are not allowed to pretend you dont know what im talking about. Even version talks as if he was once at least on the periphery of some sort of music scene

line b

Well-known member
I've been to multiple viz art events that involved the crowd chanting "fuck white people" and "whities are pigs." I've sat through three-hour long unprepared political monologues by talentless cardboard cutouts pulled from the slums of liberal education to represent their "people." I've seen calls for paintings by white artists to be burned, +1'd by guilty, idiotic, white liberal 50-year-olds who lack a cause now that their nest is empty.

It's all a stupid status-mongering culture that should be abandoned, never talked about again, something polite circles don't mention.

Yes, it was incredibly uncomfortable. One time it was a small coffee shop space—maybe 8-12 people, very intimate. I'm sitting on the floor, under a table, at 6'2", because it's a small space and I show up a little late, don't wanna take the last chair. Proceed to get shown a video about how white people take up space—a supreme bit of irony vis-a-vis essentializing—and then am asked to participate in a call-and-response where I say shit like "I am a white supremacist," "I need to make space for the black people that I and my ancestors have denigrated with structural racism," "I accept the black man's potent sexuality as superior to my own."

It was an exercise designed to be humiliating—classic s/m tropes—and was. I kept silent but my cheeks burned and I left afterward. Actually, my girlfriend at the time helped organize the event, which was why I was in attendance to begin with.


This is a good thread idea, I've always wanted more stories from the old-timers about being our age, and also perhaps Mvuent can share details of the budding jungle scene he is helping establish in Minnesota


Beast of Burden
Dissensus itself was formed as an attempt to start a scene I beleive, so if you were here in 2005 blogging and forcing mark fisher to climb fences for your amusement you are not allowed to pretend you dont know what im talking about.

This is complete nonsense. Nobody "attempted" to do anything. We weren't New York millennials. Some of us did force Mark Fisher to climb fences, but that wasn't part of an attempt to start a scene, it was simply the result of the innate British sadism of the participants.


Well-known member
what craner is saying is obviously the start of a whole bit about the gaze who you understand yourself the life etc and what the internet has and etc niche envelpe


I don't believe that Mark Fisher never tried to do any scene-building or networking, or that that wasn't partially his aim starting dissensus. I've read the old threads, he clearly left because he thought you lot were a buncha deadbeat hippies who would never amount to anything.


Obviously I didn't know him personally like you guys but. My read is the guy was hungry. He wanted things. Didn't he start a literal publishing press? You don't do that unless you're trying to build a scene


Well-known member
but its incovenevebale to these young people that you could just have a laugh and be normal


Well-known member
certain people were cold eyed fame junkies and sociopathic careerists as it turns out but who knew at the time


you can't call yourself the Prospero of dissensus and also claim to be a normal person just trying to have a laugh. nuh-uh. historical revisionism, I won't stand for it. Prospero has an agenda


Well-known member
i would say its a collection of people who has reccomeneded themselves by recognising my genius
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line b

Well-known member
This is complete nonsense. Nobody "attempted" to do anything. We weren't New York millennials. Some of us did force Mark Fisher to climb fences, but that wasn't part of an attempt to start a scene, it was simply the result of the innate British sadism of the participants.
I was worried about this response. I would never accuse anyone here of trying to start a club or 'do' anything at all. But I know there was at least a handful of you who wrote, sometimes hung out in real life, and had some interest in other people reading your work as it was posted online. And you all joined this forum, an attempt to connect. Thats a scene- it can just be 'having a laugh and being normal' @luka

So this thread has a dual purpose where we can talk about what its like to have some sort of creative pursuit that inevitabley leads to connections with people doing the same thing in the abstract, and we can also share specific amusing stories if one would like