
Morrison has this Siddhartha moment where, a suburban prince, he discovers death for the first time, driving through the Los Alamos desert... He says there were dead Indians lying in the road, and one of their ghosts "just leapt into my fucking soul... they're still there"

"Invasion, or enlightenment?"

Living things are like living fires... Getting infected by a parasite not so different from catching on fire... Something gets inside you, starts metabolizing, keeping itself alive


Wyld quotes Blake on poet-magicians:

"Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so? ...All the poets believe it does. And in ages of imagination, this firm persuasion removes mountains; but many are not capable of a firm persuasion of anything."

The old idea that magic is the mind altering reality—use of the imagination, and other strange unmapped psychic energy fields, to change the world. "All communication is manipulation." Vibework. Charisma. Emotional energy.

I remember watching a documentary on that vegetarian cult in LA in the 70s, several initiates described, upon meeting the cult leader (Father Yod?) for the first time, having a vision of him as blinding sungod, sunking


Well-known member
Morrison has this Siddhartha moment where, a suburban prince, he discovers death for the first time, driving through the Los Alamos desert... He says there were dead Indians lying in the road, and one of their ghosts "just leapt into my fucking soul... they're still there"

"Invasion, or enlightenment?"

Living things are like living fires... Getting infected by a parasite not so different from catching on fire... Something gets inside you, starts metabolizing, keeping itself alive

yeah, he thought he was a reincarnation of a native american

he captured the moment in a poem

Jim Morrison - Highway

this was obviously the inspiration for the best track on Sonic youth's EVOL LP ( actually the only good SY tune )

Sonic Youth - In The Kingdom #19


Morrison has this Siddhartha moment where, a suburban prince, he discovers death for the first time, driving through the Los Alamos desert... He says there were dead Indians lying in the road, and one of their ghosts "just leapt into my fucking soul... they're still there"

"Invasion, or enlightenment?"

Living things are like living fires... Getting infected by a parasite not so different from catching on fire... Something gets inside you, starts metabolizing, keeping itself alive
I like how Wyld ties this stuff to Hamlet being haunted by his ghost. "In the year of Bruno's death, 1600—Audiences in London were being treated to Hamlet's own enthusiastic firm persuasion that his experience with the spirit world wasn't just a ghost story, either."

Be thou a spirit or golbin damn'd
Bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell,
Be thy intents wicked or charitable
Thou comest in such a questionable shape,
That I will speak to thee

"Getting infect by a parasite"—demon, to a Christian scientist. Do you invite him in? Or do you expel him? What do you do when he appeals to your self interest? When he promises you everything you've always wanted?


And Horatio—spokesman for the "square" world of reasonable restraint—asks:

What if it tempt you toward the flood, my lord
Or to the dreadful summit of the cliff,
That beetles o'er his base into the sea,
And there assume some other horrible form,
Which might deprive your sovereignty of reason,
And draw you into madness?


Secret teacher "prefer living in the margins of society where they can be left alone to experience their ecstatic states of cosmic consciousness"
They are a sovereign with the power to decide a state of exception: to say, I am outside the structure, for the good of those who live in the structure. The shaman lives in the druggy darkness at the edge of town.


have noticed the same thing and have watched as the idea / assemblage / discourse / has gathered pace and began to sprout its own appendages. a great example of how things written online are creating subjectivities / worldviews. there's some kind of interaction between the reality of a slightly declining uk especially middle class uk, people who basically want everyone to think that the uk is fucked and deliberately encourage that with bots etc, standard english miserablism and the dark northern european winter, and a sort of way that there's a utility to the idea, if you fit it in with the everyday lives of chunk of people it fills some kind of emotional need. it's the current version of Editors and We'll Live And Die In These Towns i think but like everything it's been cleaved from tunes and it's just internet comments sections now
there being a spectrum between the media (state-sponsored or just manufacturing consent) and the poet-stutterer/shaman

or maybe even further along the spectrum than media, marketing and advertising and all the Bernays PR stuff

and both are about creating reality through representations


Both have encounters with some "beyond" that they relay to the network

But Wyld's mystic/shaman type is somehow infected by alterity—usually because he went looking for alterity. His reports are reports on the dark parts of the map.

And one of those dark parts of the map is the 'invisible dimension' that Wyld keeps going on about, which he describes (quoting Colin Wilson) as a sense of "purpose and vitality," or an engagement with "the meaning universe"


This felt dimension of Romantic Quality, these flows and forces and dynamics in the world that aren't easily talked about with the Classical conceptual structure of current society. The unmapped dimensions. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, / than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

I'm reminded of how sufficiently complex math/statistics (like an LLM) becomes a blackbox that adds up to affect or feeling. Our emotions, or the aesthetic sense generally, as a holistic evaluation, a very complicated calculation that adds up to a stance, an orientation—to attraction or repulsion, fight or flight, desire or disgust

Terry Tao the mathematician says there are three stages in a great mathematician's development:



But when you let a demon infect you you start wondering what it wants, what it's after.

Some people go to therapy to try to figure this out and then purge their demons

Some people who achieve excellence wouldn't have gotten there if they'd gone to therapy and questioned their underlying desires

They'd say maybe tryinig to become a tycoon is a bad strategy for feeling loved

So we wonder as Harold Bloom wonders whether the Ghost wants to use Hamlet merely "as a sword of vengeance: no more nor less."


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we probably have to mention that Jim's father was a US Navy Admiral involved in "secret stuff" and how JIM might have been a puppet in a US Intelligence power play that involved the DOORS, CSNY and the DEAD in a perverted plot to hijack youthful rebellion




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it is a book cover

there was certain aesthetic with 2010 era conspiracy self-publications and this is the archetype