
my head is always completely empty. no pictures and no words.
I was thinking of asking dissensus the do you have an inner monologue question because i think we'd get some good descriptions of the quality of thought


I was thinking of asking dissensus the do you have an inner monologue question because i think we'd get some good descriptions of the quality of thought
what did you reckon to my "inner keithfloyd/kevinmccloud" characterisation 🤣 ?
I mean i think everyone has that inner commentator, even luka?
so the question is how is that character different from your regular irl persona and i think the answer is that they are more arrogant versions who mercifully were always denied airtime
... til the internet arrived


Well-known member
I was thinking of asking dissensus the do you have an inner monologue question because i think we'd get some good descriptions of the quality of thought
Mine's often the polar opposite of Luka's and I have to consciously try to dial it down and concentrate.
No. and I was shocked to find most people do. Its obviously a matter or frequency but I only give thoughts a voice when I imagine myself or other people speaking. Its impossible to describe how it all flows but its minds eye imagery, snippets of scenarios and that. rarely actual words
But I think I have an unrealistic impression of the average persons thought, like a constant narration? sounds like hell


Well-known member
I used to have an inner voice. It doesn't have to be hell, depends if it turns on you. It can actually be nice to have someone to talk to


Well-known member
I remember on drugs once as a teenager I experienced it dropping out and it seemed really bleak and lonely without it. I've always felt ambivalent about getting rid of it.


Well-known member
It can be incredibly irritating if you're trying to read or otherwise concentrate and your mind's racing.


But I think I have an unrealistic impression of the average persons thought, like a constant narration? sounds like hell
mine's not constant, it accompanies certain activities - if i wrack my brain a little i realise that the activities will be those that don't involve screens
There is somewhat of a narrator, a watcher and a judger. But they're rarely putting their assessment into actual sentences


is not like other people
this reminds me of the talking to myself thread. i have a very well developed inner monologue who is often addressing a second party. quite often i'll say things aloud as they arise. it's been a bit quiet today though


Well-known member
I suppose an inner monologue feels less conscious and deliberate than talking to yourself?


Well-known member
More spontaneous and at least semi autonomous, which is precisely why it can turn on you, or, as in Jack's case, instruct you to Kill.


Well-known member
"Intrusive thoughts"
It's not just intrusive thoughts though. It's consciously noting down things, commenting on things out loud in my head, memories popping up, random thoughts, responses to physical things like realising I'm hungry, checking off things I need to do or have already done.


It's not just intrusive thoughts though. It's consciously noting down things, commenting on things out loud in my head, memories popping up, random thoughts, responses to physical things like realising I'm hungry, checking off things I need to do or have already done.
That feels intrusive, anything that enters when you'd rather keep it out seems intrusive