
Do not read this.
hahaha it do sound boring though!

it does, although there isnt any need for that, he is a bigger dickhead for still being in there "raving" to music he doesnt like, wanker. That's what I cant understand with some people. Going to a night dedicated to 1 specific sound, then moaning, arsehole.

One Louder

Wild Horses
Ha ha, so many prime examples in this thread...

One of the best I've ever had was in 2006, at a tiny little cellar gig in auckland. Dubstep hadn't broken into the NZ clubbing consciousness at this point (it's a different story now, of course) and a friend had set up this gig which he promoted as 100% dubstep etc...
I went on third, which was sort of prime spot and started off with Midnight Request Line and a young woman walked up to the decks with a sort of rankled look on her face, leaned over and asked
"what is this?"
"er... it's dubstep..."
"are you just going to play dubstep all night?"
Thankfully I was rescued from replying by the needle being knocked halfway across the record as she leaned over the deck, so a stern look was all that was required to make her melt back into the crowd.


looking for a good cowboy
Somebody should instigate a points system. I got 5 points on saturday for "do you play any pendulum?"


Do not read this.
anyone got any new ones? this thread has been entertaining me in work so much, I keep creasing up at the fetish club one