KAN YAY OR KAN NAY? (The Kanye West Thread)


Well-known member
yeah and then he might actually run in 2024 which was what he said ages ago. this is the faustian trump west deal


Well-known member
i'm surprised you guys can have any kind of serious conversation about Kanye these days when i feel like at this point he's one of the last people music nerds want to talk about

anyway it's just another even larger album promo ploy like he's done before and also if certain people said the truth he isn't even really a trump supporter he just did that as a way to get into bed with republican evangelicals so he would work his prison reform in.

Which imo is the logical dark conclusion of a certain kind of black conservatism that the NOI or Jim Brown would espouse


Well-known member
do you think kanye is a dangerous person to put any faith in? i think probably he is but at the same time he's very seductive.


Well-known member
i don't know about dangerous but i feel like alot of music writers and die hard fans have spent the last couple years reflecting and licking their wounds over holding him up as the man who would save us all, imprinting all their hopes and aspirations on a guy who convinced people to buy shutter shades


Well-known member
he was seductive not that long ago but now unless you're a died in the wool fan i don't think he really commands that kind of attention if this was MBDTF then yeah

i think it was Blockhead(rap producer Aesop rock etc) who summed up my feelings on him best in that he's smarter than alot of people give him credit for but he's not exactly the deepest guy around


Well-known member
i agree but at this point i feel like the ambitions and attempts at grandeus vastly outstrip what he's acutally worked on


Well-known member
like i said if this was 2010 or around the time of Yeezus coming out then maybe but at this point he's a 40something black billionaire evangelical not exactly the most gripping persona for "young people" out there now is there?


Well-known member
i think some parts of pablo are good. i really like that arthur jafa video for ultralight beam. have you seen that?
it's his ability to form alliances, kanye i mean. jafa is quite a serious guy


Well-known member
like i said if this was 2010 or around the time of Yeezus coming out then maybe but at this point he's a 40something black billionaire evangelical not exactly the most gripping persona for "young people" out there now is there?
yes thats probably true, but 40 is still not 60. im 40. but yes, probably we need a 20 year old if we are to expect a finger on the pulse. and he is divorced from reality yes


Well-known member
i feel the same way about Pablo and no i haven't seen the ultralight beam video, he's definitly been a good colaborator in the past but it's obvious that sense of curation is gone now

i think the dissonance in this conversation is that you still find Kanye fascinating where as i think he's boring now not that i was ever into him like like some people were in the past but i give him credit for certain things when its due, he's as much an artist as he is a giant grifter imo


Well-known member
i thought kanye was boring for years but i now find him interesting. i got that jafa vid in full somewhere if you want it. basically very similar to the wash in blood video but a lot better


Well-known member
maybe, what is it that you find about him interesting now? after all this

i ask just cause this is the kinda thing i'd usually do


Well-known member
if i wanted to be mean i'd say this is your equivalent of barty and like 5/6 other people on here REALLY getting into Migos years after the fact that the rest of the rap world was done with em


Well-known member
well, that he has declared he is running for president. also that thing he said about slavery (not that i agree), but just the fact he said it. and ultralight beam, along with the jafa video. i think that's a good piece of art.


Well-known member
but i think Reynolds argument about the conservatism of rap fans holds a lot of water in this case.


Well-known member
well, that he has declared he is running for president. also that thing he said about slavery (not that i agree), but just the fact he said it. and ultralight beam, along with the jafa video. i think that's a good piece of art.
and him trying to legitimise the confederate flag and making that purposfuly bad Bound 2 video or "bill cosby innocent"?