The Queen is Dead!


the point is The Queue itself tho obviously, and not the royal audience with a box
the longer it is the more people want to do it
It's definitely Delilo, I just can't work out if it's more like the most photographed barn in America, which everyone photographs cos it's the most photographed - or is it more like the really expensive house he buys where the sheer point of buying something that expensive is to have bought something that expensive, you pay for a bigger number to show that you can afford a bigger number.


Is it true the box is empty? I've heard people say that it must be cos otherwise she would be rotting away in there. They are hardly going to tell us though are they so I guess no-one will know unless someone rips it open and reveals that schrodinger's queen is naked (to mix my metaphors somewhat).


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Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Is it true the box is empty? I've heard people say that it must be cos otherwise she would be rotting away in there.
No doubt she's been to some extent preserved. Embalmed, that's the word. Perhaps even mummified. Or Ma'amified.


Ma'am-ra the Ever-living!


You gotta see it as the end of, say, Nightmare on Elm Street 5 or something - yes we know Freddy has returned from defeat four times, of course it would be naive to think he is destroyed forever, and yet, it is a victory of sorts, the evil will be dormant for now and we are safe along with our peers, when she returns for Hallowqueen 6 it will be a new generation of sexy teenagers who have to do battle with her.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
The Ruling Ring cut from her finger, seemingly vanquishing her - but foolishly kept as an heirloom, instead of being prudently destroyed.


What's going on, is he taking the piss? Serious hypothesis here; could it be that after the constant barrage from all directions about how important this is, with it being the only thing on the telly and the radio, and the only thing anyone talks about or thinks about and so on, maybe he had something like a mental breakdown caused by the boredom and enforced repetitive forelock-tugging, perhaps his brain collapsed and whatever was left was filled with this one idea that has been drilled into his brain until it collapsed, and that is, to him, the most important thing in the world.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I'm sure we've all seen the Twitter clever-dicks calling the BBC 'MournHub', yes?

(No, I am definitely *not* annoyed that I didn't think of that one first, OK?)