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i dont even know that its ideological. Imperial got it drastically wrong from what i understand but i liked them becasue they started from a position of being horrified at the idea of people dying from a weird virus. i like that starting point., it chimes with me.
Yeah I think I said above that ideology isn't quite the right word but it was kinda doing the job so I stuck with it.


Well-known member
I think in some ways, it could add up to a CT on the part of the tech companies, simply because of the kind of thinking or 'visioning' that makes up s large part of the ethos. the way of thinking tends to see human beings in a somewhat objective way, as though we are mechanical parts within a system, rather than thinking/feeling people etc


Well-known member
so in this respect, something like the pandemic (malignant and boring in teas words) plays into the broader tech capital vision.

i don't doubt that in silicon valley somehwere, there are people rubbing their hands at what is going on.

but perhaps that's too boring a way of seeing it.


Well-known member
I think in some ways, it could add up to a CT on the part of the tech companies, simply because of the kind of thinking or 'visioning' that makes up s large part of the ethos. the way of thinking tends to see human beings in a somewhat objective way, as though we are mechanical parts within a system, rather than thinking/feeling people etc

this touches on the sort of material i wanted to explore in the breeding thread


Well-known member
there's something else i can't quite articulate, about the scale and the way that money works for the tech companies. the visions are based upon lots of tiny bits of money, micro profits, adding up. and the pandemic wipes large numbers of people out...


Well-known member
if the pandemic suddenly wipes out, in 4 months, 200,000 people (or whatever it is) and they are, broadly speaking, the wrong type of people from the point of the tech companies, does that mean something?


Well-known member
whilst at the same time there's a huge uptick in terms of use, from everyone else who wasn't already playing ball?


Well-known member
i'm definitely not saying they made this happen, but if you put the exact issues to one side for one moment, and consider what they've caused, it really could not be more part of what they want


Well-known member
the pattern maker is something beyond human individuals and groups of individuals in later grapejuice


Well-known member
he's moved away from human agency
I don't think this is human agency, as in, I don't think anyone wished the pandemic and its consequences on the world, its more a Pandoras box sort of thing, we've got to a point with what we are doing, where things are now coming out that we can't control.

But maybe that's just boring millennial thought again.


Well-known member
i dunno. i dont have much of an angle. my take on the virus is very very conventional. im not a renegade like mixed biscuits and comelately
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