
I can't read that link without subscribing...
But do you really think that it's his last throw of the dice in terms of made up stories? I wouldn't be at all surprised if it "comes out" in the next few days that Biden is definitely a paedophile or he's murdered someone or some shit. Hard to see how they will made to stick though - when I look on twitter I can see a few people trying to generate some outrage out of the laptop shite but their heart isn't really in it, it's not getting the traction they hoped as far as I can tell.


Well-known member
President Donald Trump argued on Monday morning that it ought to be against the law for the news media to cover the pandemic ahead of the elections as the COVID-19 death toll in the U.S. surpasses 225,000.

“We have made tremendous progress with the China Virus, but the Fake News refuses to talk about it this close to the Election,” he tweeted. “COVID, COVID, COVID is being used by them, in total coordination, in order to change our great early election numbers. Should be an election law violation!”

Amid his failure to address the pandemic, Trump has publicly griped several times about the media reporting on COVID-19, even going as far as calling CNN “dumb bastards” for doing so.

“You turn on CNN, that’s all they cover,” he ranted during a campaign rally in Arizona last week. “COVID, COVID, pandemic, COVID, COVID, COVID. You know why? They’re trying to talk everybody out of voting. People aren’t buying it, CNN, you dumb bastards.”

The President went on a similar tirade at another rally several days later in North Carolina.

“All you hear is COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID,” he complained. “That’s all they put on, because they want to scare the hell out of everyone.”

Meanwhile, the White House has admitted that it’s given up on trying to contain the virus.


He might say that next. You can tell he's desperate cos these things are increasingly scattershot and stupid. It doesn't seem that there is any strategy there at the moment beyond re-running "Her emails", "Obamagate", "lock her up" and "but Hunter Biden" - only one of which would even be relevant here if it were true which it isn't. I do sympathise with that in a sense, Trump can't run on his record cos his record is terrible so that leaves his usual fall back of insults and slander - but the problem is that Biden is so dull/decent (delete as you feel appropriate) that it's hard to land a glove on him. Even going after his health and mental acuity doesn't really work cos Trump is the one who keeps having strokes and talking gibberish.
What would YOU do if you were running Trump's re-election campaign? What strategy would you pursue?


Well-known member
Craner says Trump is going win. I'm absolutely desperate to get one over on Craner so once again I'm going to bet against him. I say Trump gets annhilated. Absolutely wiped out and there will be no attempted coup or even much in the way of recriminations. He'll be glad it's over. Cheers Joe, good clean fight, no hard feelings partner.


The more I see the more that looks likely... at least, the thrashing part of it. But - even if Trump is secretly glad it's over - there is no chance he'll just walk away. I mean it could range from moaning a lot to truly to hang on to power but he definitely won't go with good grace.
But Trump's tactics last time around that seemed unbeatable - as you said at the time there was no value in debating him, in winning on valid and logical points, the rules had changed and his opponents hadn't grasped that - look tired now. It reminds me of when that all-conquering Barcelona team got dicked on by Bayern about six years ago, tiki-taki had been invincible and then suddenly it wasn't.
Although the analogy doesn't quite hold up in that here no-one has found a better way, it's just that Trump was only ever a campaigner, once he's failed to be in power it ("What have you got to lose?") doesn't work the same way.


What would YOU do if you were running Trump's re-election campaign? What strategy would you pursue?
No-one want to have a crack at that?
I'm thinking that if two days before the election they announce that they definitely have a vaccine and it's harmless with no side-effects and perfect in every way and they will start administering it to the general public in one week. Basically a huge lie - but they are desperate - and if they do it close enough to the election that it can't be debunked properly in time... might win a few votes no?


Well-known member
after 2016, I refuse to believe the polls are 100% accurate and will never count trump out.

but a big difference between then and now is he was much more focused in his attacks on hillary: 90% of it was crooked hillary and her emails, with a little bit of anti-free trade rhetoric. but look back to the last debate where trump had 90 minutes to nail biden, and trump had no cohesive message. he was all over the place -- he's a horrible Washington establishment pol...and also a socialist/communist! and he lives in a basement! he's going to reengineer the downfall of capitalism and freedom...and also mentally feeble! he betrayed African Americans with criminal justice reform...and also embraces those anarchist BLM people! and oh yeah, burizma!


Well-known member
No-one want to have a crack at that?
I'm thinking that if two days before the election they announce that they definitely have a vaccine and it's harmless with no side-effects and perfect in every way and they will start administering it to the general public in one week. Basically a huge lie - but they are desperate - and if they do it close enough to the election that it can't be debunked properly in time... might win a few votes no?

nah, the scientific community wouldn't endorse it if it was just made up like that.


I just meant pure misinformation from Trump's team with a minimum amount of time for the scientists to contradict. Just pure dirty tactics.
Or suggest something better...


Well-known member
trump's best bet might be to pick a couple of key points and hammer them nonstop. spend all remaining days in the key swing states, bouncing between PA, Michigan, Wisconsin, NC and Florida. forget the states that might turn blue (Texas, Iowa, Arizona, etc.), gamble that you'll win them and hammer away at the five or so swing states. make sure pence does the same.

that's what he did in 2016.