constant escape

winter withered, warm
Of course that phrasing is a mine field, seeing as data is central in science purely by virtue of its rawness. But the processing consists in integrating that data into a practical base of knowledge, whereas the daemonic end of the spectrum goes about it differently.


pass the sick bucket
he's not saying - correct me if I'm wrong here, third - that cultural capital doesn't exist, or that it doesn't influence wealth, just that you can't misapply a sociological concept in economic terms. cultural capital has no existence outside its social context.

in a similar sense to how Rothbard and others (nb: see how much neoliberal background reading I've been forced to do to satisfy @craner) have challenged Mises' concept of "consumer sovereignty" as misapplication of a political concept in economic terms.

Right, technically, to say that cultural capital will replace real capital is a self-contradictory statement as you are taking a sociological concept of ingratiation and then trying to apply it to the study of the total social capital, (I.E: political economy) which in any case materially determines culture through the material and limited production gradiants (I.E: how we make forms of culture and how said forms of culture are expropriated from us.) So what you are essentially saying is that cultural capital will replace cultural capital, and you become trapped in a double bind where culture exists as a static eternal recurrence that keeps circling round and round whilst possessing an intangible sense of cultureness, rather than the specific forms of culture.


Well-known member
I watched a bit of some Red Scare thing in front of an audience last night and it was appalling. They didn't say anything. There was nothing there. Just two people with the exact same voice fumbling around in front of a mildly amused audience.



Cat Malogen
It’s the upwards inflection at the end of sentences, making irony a style factor when/when not answering a question or thinking out loud.

The levels of performativity in these vocal spectrums is particularly grating. A charade.


Well-known member
Blood Satellite 10 months ago
it's wild seeing an entire audience just doing that amused nasal exhale for over an hour.

Eugene the Philostopher 6 months ago
There's nothing else to do. You can't laugh to it, since it is boring, nor can you be serious, since it is stupid. Awkward giggle is the only possible outcome.

emmy0001 11 months ago
Xanax personified

Corey Pierce 1 year ago
vocal fry is praxis

Mike Quinlivan 1 year ago
"Are you being sarcastic?" "I don't even know anymore..."

connor Chapa 1 year ago
This is Williamsburg summed up in one conversation.


I am curious what scenes Luka thinks are important and worth making lemonade from. Do they have that saying across the ponds? When life gives you lemons...