Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go


Well-known member
Again ,catching up here.
I see many have mentioned it and some written about it previously.
Had not read anything else by him, and got to this one after seeing the movie first - exactly as some people have said not to do !

He posted on FB the other day with his notes on the 'writing of' ...

It was a strikingly sad movie - for sure.
And the book ? sad but the emotion felt diffused, kind of like the info bits given out by instructors about what these students were to do ... exactly.
This 'hints' felt a bit less clear in the movie than the book.

After reading some of the comments on Good Reads and elsewhere, also struck by how many write in ' This was so sad ... it was a bad movie because it made me sad. ' comments to this end.
Again and again.
Er ...

Not unlike Riddley Walker , it hits on a kind of sad grown from finding out just how big the disaster / ruin of Earth, Londonium, parsing of 'human' and not human is or was.
Like this, kind of like coming upon the wide ocean and being overwelmed for a moment.
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Famously he was the product of the uk's first university creative writing course (I think this is right) which was sneered at at the time.


I think he's very good though - if you look at the two we discussed and also The Unconsoled it's quite interesting how diverse they are yet successful in their own ways I think.