Vacuum of Integrity


Let that be the epitaph, rather than any of Boris's verbal diarrhea of aspiring quotes
Feels like it must be wishful thinking but how much more fecklessness is it possible for this gang of tories to display?
They behave as if they have impunity but actually things are catching up with them, it's nice to imagine Boris's sudden downfall, and then what?


A lot of people online are saying "surely this is the end for Boris (and he´'ll be replaced by Gove)" but I don't really see it. Surely when they voted him in they knew he was giving public money to the woman he was knobbing on the side and it made fuck all difference. I don't see that anything that has come out is really any worse than that... maybe they think it's cumulative I dunno.
My main question is; was Grieve deliberately making a vacuum based pun cos of Dyson?


Well-known member
Read an interesting thread the other day re: the similarities between the COVID response and the handling of the Blitz,
Reading the section of Richard Overy's Bombing War on the Blitz, was struck by the parallels between British officialdom now and then. Obviously the covid crisis is a completely different kind of crisis, but the similarities in approach and attitude are eerily similar.

First, preparation for wrong disaster. As is well known, our pandemic plan was based on assumption of flu pandemic. In late 30s they were convinced Germany would attack with gas, and poured resources into gas masks, decontamination procedures etc. Entered war unprepared for explosive and incendiary attack, which is what Germany actually did.

Second, general crapness. Govt knew deep shelters only secure option, but refused to build any because it was too expensive. Many surface shelters collapsed in *heavy rain* before any bombs hit.

Third, the "one rule for them" problem. One of the worst offenders against the blackout regulations were government offices. They tried to claim Crown immunity from prosecution and ended up in a fight with the police, until agreeing to hold individual civil servants liable.

Fourth, hostility to public's own solutions, until they were eventually forced to back down. Public mostly refused to use official shelters because they knew they were crap. Spontaneous responses included sheltering in tube stations, and leaving cities nightly to camp outside. Govt tried to stop both: tube sheltering because it prioritized keeping traffic flowing; camping out because it worried people wouldn't return to work (in fact they did). Eventually govt was forced to accept both and provide facilities.

Fifth, classist assumptions that turned out to be entirely wrong. Govt assumed that working classes would crack under pressure while the middle classes would display the stiff upper lip. In fact it was pretty much the opposite, with very low absenteeism in factories even among people who had lost their houses, while every hotel within 70 miles of London was booked up for months as the middle classes fled.

Lastly, bizarre British exceptionalism. Working assumption across Europe prewar was that urban bombing would cause total social collapse. UK govt was very pleased to discover that this didn't happen during Blitz: in fact there was no decline in support for war or govt and minimal disruption to economy. Regardless, UK went on with strategy of carpet bombing German cities in order to cause total social collapse. Because obviously foreigners are different.


Let that be the epitaph, rather than any of Boris's verbal diarrhea of aspiring quotes
Feels like it must be wishful thinking but how much more fecklessness is it possible for this gang of tories to display?
They behave as if they have impunity but actually things are catching up with them, it's nice to imagine Boris's sudden downfall, and then what?
i like the idea of no10 like a black hole irresistible but corrupting anything it touches until the whole tory party, parliament, government and establishment are all sucked into its maw never to be seen again