
bandz ahoy
Now trying to think what lyrical subjects (for this music) would be more interesting than murder and ultraviolence.

Is there "conscious" forms of this music, or is there something indivisible between ultraviolence/sex/drugs and the form this music takes?

In a way the whole point is that it's instinctual, half or pre or sub conscious music.


bandz ahoy
Are the forms so-called "conscious" rap and gangsta rap takes merely conventional? Probably not.

Although of course you had a lot of rap in the 90s which had jazzy, reflective, melancholy beats juxtaposed with callous/violent lyrics.


Well-known member
Now trying to think what lyrical subjects (for this music) would be more interesting than murder and ultraviolence.

Is there "conscious" forms of this music, or is there something indivisible between ultraviolence/sex/drugs and the form this music takes?

In a way the whole point is that it's instinctual, half or pre or sub conscious music.
so you are saying its made by barely sentient sub-humans? savages? animals basically?


bandz ahoy
I knew I'd leave myself open to those accusations (and look like a skull-measuring device toting racist) there but

– more that the form (thinking mainly of the carti style, practically non-linguistic exclamations) is created to (or by) the channelling of the non-reflective emotions that we all feel. (It's the same deal with death metal, for example – the form that music takes naturally fits with lyrics about sadistically murdering people and burning down churches. Because it usually involves somebody screaming like a beast.)

Although an interesting spin on this that the some of the music in neon dreams takes is of course the channelling of non human (i.e. alien) emotions and identifies, as stimulated by drugs/the internet.


Void Dweller
sorry, i know no one's just burning to talk more about that joe muggs tumblr screed a second time, but i was looking at his page again for some reason.

muggs, in the post about neon screams, on the idea that mumble rap is underrepresented in criticism: "This is inaccurate. It’s wrong. It’s bullshit."

muggs, talking about his latest column two months earlier: "this was perhaps the most interesting part as it’s not often you hear 2010s and onwards, “mumble” type rap given analysis that takes it seriously as music, rather than for its shock value." your honor, i rest my case.
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Well-known member
can't remember if carti is mentioned in the book, but it's pretty much the best example i can imagine of mr mackintosh's idea about people fucking around with their voices being a whole revolution



Well-known member
can't remember if carti is mentioned in the book, but it's pretty much the best example i can imagine of mr mackintosh's idea about people fucking around with their voices being a whole revolution

also i really empathise with this tune on an emotional level coz when I take my own shirt off all the hoes stop breathing


Well-known member
i've had one specific neon scream in my head for a couple of weeks, it's playboi [sic] carti shouting 'I've got mai tais, I've got fucking mai tais'.

It's really latched itself onto my consciousness in quite a stubborn way.

barty can talk about this important experience in the introduction to the second edition


how are you getting on with it so far?
Sidetracked by Gaddis and Bateson but this is a good reminder.

Been listening to a YT playlist someone made from the book, but the music still sounds bad, I'm hoping the book will alter that, gimme new ears.