
pass the sick bucket
I don't think you're a lost cause, but we are not going to make it tonight.

One day you will escape the dungeon of theory and emerge into the air of the real world.

It is going to be amazing.

But not yet.

like I said, I'm in the real world, you're writing book reviews for Dorien Linsky. get a life!


pass the sick bucket
The thought of Craner turning Third into a Neocon is terrifying.

It can't happen. neoconservatism and its accompanying new atheism ideology is dead. look at germaphobian's existential crisis about russia going to nuke glorious Europa, even though he clings to the skirts of that very same unfaithful Europa.


pass the sick bucket
The thought of Craner turning Third into a Neocon is terrifying.

If I was ever going to become a conservative it would be the medieval kind, and that's even more dead than neoconservatism.

neoconservatism is just jerk rice of the real thing, This is what I tried to tell biscuits. he should spend his life in a monestary.


pass the sick bucket
Craner doesn't believe in the dialectic because he's a Deleuzian. He's even grown his nails out.

convergence of anarchism and the IDF.

Hate to say that the ICP predicted this in 1953, but they did. thems are the facts.

But it is also clear – and here the anarchists do not understand, and the more or less anarchoid groups wrinkle their noses – that as long as the old mode of production has forces at its disposal to defend it, not only within the given territory but also outside it, the new State form will need bodies of armed men and a bureaucracy.
An anarchoid tendency appears in these curious words: «the power of the armed masses is no longer a State in the usual sense of the word»! Here, over Marxism, liberalism and libertarianism clasp hands in a romantic embrace.



Well-known member
hes virurently anti. the teams are very clear cut. im very anti. death to the dialectic!