I bet he's a dickhead


Well-known member
I was gonna say, not sure you need the straight etc bit.
theres a normal selfie culture for non white/non straight people that takes in a few mentally healthy people, that might be a younger generation thing though. still a high rate but not a law like it is for straight white men. I added straight white male because without exaggeration its 100% of the time in my personal experience. Cant think of a single person nor could the numerous people I ran the theory across.


Well-known member
in fact @IdleRich youre the closest thing I can think of as an exception to the rule but 1) I dont really know you 2) youre older and I think Im talking about a younger person phenomenon


It's possible, but I'm not as old and wise as you Linebaugh, I don't have it all figured out. I know some white men who take selfies and haven't had breakdowns yet, but they are bisexual. Does that count?


absolutely not
I've heard it argued that everyone is bisexual, and the real variation is how much socialized denial they are engaging in. What do you think of this Linebaugh? Does it accord with your own experience? Do you sometimes get an urge to put a hairy penis in your mouth?


Have you given any men tats on their private parts? Did you notice a sexual response? A quickening of the pulse? A tightening of the throat?


Well-known member
If my penis was covered in hair i'd get some of that cream that burns the hair off or wax it or something


It mostly came from my mother's old school gay theatre friends.
There it is... a classic boomer line... The gays have a special interest in pushing it because they want to have "teams" they don't like people who are "between" teams