The evolution of emotion


Well-known member
Web do you have a chaotic tiktok where you just get unhip white men to listen to 90s rap or something


Well-known member
Web do you have a chaotic tiktok where you just get unhip white men to listen to 90s rap or something
I'm not on tiktok at all because i don't see what point in me being on there,i don't have anything against it but what have i got that separates me from people on there really?

And you don't need me to go see that there's enough reaction videos of unhip white men reacting to rap, their own kids are doing it to them


Can turn naughty
the appropriation of liiike and vocal fry

thank god their asinine, nasally, adenoidal tone isn’t here, yet

the roots of suburban sensationalism: an amateur pundit's take..

not the song but the social type it's commenting on

i reckon it started there, stopped by friends in the 90s (chandler "could you BE any more passive-aggressive" bing), and spread like wildfire once the net went fully mainstream


Can turn naughty
I mean pewdiepie is aggressively stupid and one of one in terms of the level of success so maybe not the best pic

yeah but that means there are hundreds of millions of kids watching him and being influenced by him, including the way they talk.

people tend to subconsciously emulate the people they look up to. especially impressionable kids.


I mean pewdiepie is aggressively stupid and one of one in terms of the level of success so maybe not the best pic
yeah but that means there are hundreds of millions of kids watching him and being influenced by him, including the way they talk.

people tend to subconsciously emulate the people they look up to. especially impressionable kids.
Immediate death
it's rebekah vardy


noone falls in love in 2019 though. literally no one. the motivations are far more base and transactional. of course this has positives and negatives.
This is very silly I think, the West is more romantic than ever, to its own detriment


It's all about self-expression and soul mates and "the one"

Very silly business, not at all rational or pragmatic

If anything, it's the absurd expectations of our romantic culture that make it feel like love is impossible—because we've slurped up this insane idealized image of love


I actually only did it that one day, I wasn't much of a fan, sorry to let you down Shiels


I did macrodose recently, that was a good time, I decided Star Wars Attack of the Clones was a Biblical-level work of literature, and that the prequels are better than the og trilogy