The Northman


Binary & Tweed
Anyone will have noticed how long films are nowadays, which again I take to be a streaming thing. Long, ponderous movies that you can pause halfway to have a dump and (subsequently) get snacks from the kitchen.
I'd actually like to see some more films have actual intermissions, like The Hateful Eight did. I saw that one in 70mm.


Binary & Tweed
when I watched 2001 in highschool I confused the intermission as part of the high art aesthetic and I spent the entirety staring at the black screen trying my hardest to get immersed
Have you seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail? It has a good, ironic intermission right in the middle of a nominally dramatic scene.


I thought Green Knight was quite good, and enjoyed Valhalla Rising up to the point I fell asleep. But agree with Corpsey about the A24 look starting to feel predictable.


Well-known member
Not sure I agree. I think theres an a24 look that became a point of reference with those Ari aster and similar horror films but looking at its filmography now Id say theres quite a bit of variance in the visual palate- maybe those films arent so immediately identified as a24 though


Well-known member
It's funny to see A24, a distribution company, having its own fandom. They have a subreddit and everything.


Binary & Tweed
I admit I'm something of an A20whore. You could probably build a case study around me, scrambling up a pool of A24 and non-A24 film trailers, and randomly attaching the A24 intro animation before half of them, and I'd probably show a bias distillable down to that mere association.


Well-known member
I dont know if Im an a24 whore but there was a point not too long ago where I realized the majority of every new movie that I liked in the last few years was an a24 flick. I dont see many movies though


Cat Malogen
Hype is the killer. Be sweet to be surprised by a film for once which is where suspicions fall on Viking tales. Does anyone remember the Centurion or The Eagle and countless other Romanesque filler? Not really

Period pieces have to embed you into a foreign, extinct world (and fast) which is why I’m relieved no-one’s had a hard run at Blood Meridian