Useful stuff


here's another, this one gleaned from working bar staff at nightclubs in the 90s

if you see a discarded fag packet, step on it to see if it's still got any cigs (so you don't have to bend over risking back injuries and loss of dignity)
this was carefully explained to me by a more experienced colleague

also, don't tidy up those tissues. unless you're wearing gloves
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not really, maybe you could come up with some useful tips (for ripping the man off or not) rather than this persistent whinging please
I reckon that we all have our own idiosyncratic ways of using our IT facilities - phones and computers, and becos those tools isolate us so much - put us inside a personal bubble (unless you maybe share yr devices, but nobody does any more),

so i want us to share the clever good practices, a lot of mine are about piracy tbh but i also posted a twitter thread about excel, sorry if that was a bit dull

doesnt even have to be online stuff also


it's not working tbh
we already dealt with the moral issues about colonisation of knowledge ages ago
ad nauseam



some interesting chats to revisit actually,

but zero useful tips


So basically, “Useful stuff” just means “free shit cuz I’m too cheap, the world owes me, screw The Man!!!”
Leo do you have any clue how the academic journal publishing model or are you being deliberately obtuse


Roll your spliffs with marshmallow leaf, lavender, mint, and/or dried blue lotus

Buy a waterproof showerpad & pencil for $7 on Amazon and save your shower thoughts


Brew your shrooms as a tea & add lemon (quicker conversion to active psilocin) and ginger (for stomach nausea)


Use the 1/3 rule of explore-exploit/optimal stopping

e.g. let's say you have to rent a flat and you have one month to find it

Just look—purely scope out what's out there the first 10 days.

Then put a deposit down on the first flat you find that's better than anything you saw the first 10 days


Don't let yourself be scared

Refuse to let yourself be scared

If you're scared just go do the thing immediately, the benefit of becoming less scared, of seeing that it's all gonna go OK actually and your fears were irrational—priceless. You have to prove to yourself you're safe

Refusing to be scared = freedom

Cultivate a mindset of wealth and abundance. It really is largely mental. Poor people fantasize about money because it's an end to their stress and worries. Rich people turn around and find ways to be constantly stressed and worried: a huge waste. If you're reading this, objectively speaking you're one of the wealthiest humans that's ever existed. Act like it.


Fast. Drink a big cup of coffee in the morning and work til 4pm before eating. Let the hunger fuel your buzz. If your stomach hurts, eat a single spoonful of yogurt to calm it. You'll be at your most productive and you'll burn fat like a mofo.


Refuse to experience non-productive envy

[Coveting] "Do I actually want this? Am I willing to put in the work to get it?" If yes, put in the work. If no, quit coveting.

Refuse to experience non-productive anxiety

[Worrying] "Can I fix this? Is it worth fixing?" If yes, quit worrying and fix it. If no, quit worrying and move on with your life.


Trees are not a species or family or genus or anything, they're just a process a strategy

A tree's closest relative can be a dandelion, or a thistle

Think like a tree


This one is courtesy of Linebaugh wifey

(1) Espresso drinks are lower caffeine than brewed coffee
(2) Hot coffee is way higher acidity ie harder on the stomach than cold brew
(3) Cold brew is highest amount of caffeine (more than "iced coffee") with least stomach impact