
bandz ahoy
I want my food chewed for me.

Perhaps it all comes from being coddled. I am a coddled mother's boy, you know.

Never did any chores growing up. Was brought (and still am brought) sandwiches.

It sounds idyllic but it's created a crippled monster.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
I was actually gonna bring up Aaron Cometbus at some point. Got a couple of his little books at a chicago zine store called Quimby's, I believe. Only read the one about NY comic artists though.

constant escape

winter withered, warm

Cometbus is a "punk ethnographer" that drifts across the states and documents underground milieus here and there. He is, or was, in a band too but I forget the name.

And the place is also non-fictional:



bandz ahoy
That word "ethnographer" is a big turnoff for me. I picture ethnography when I'm forestalling orgasm, like a reactionary EngLit Sting.


Well-known member
The Anglo sphere has abandoned the term because of its links to colinslism and racism but mesh a of ethnography are common in Europe and Asia


Well-known member
Try again. The Anglosphere has abandoned the term because of its links to colonialism and racism but museums of ethnography are common in Europe and Asia

constant escape

winter withered, warm
What's the difference between an ethnographer and an ethnologist?
About the actual fields, I couldn;t say.

About the semantics and etymology, -graphy implies a mapping, a spatial notation of some kind, whereas -logy implies a general study, any and all discourse and expression regarding the topic.


Well-known member
Reading "1606 The Year of Lear" after Jenks shouted at me. It's really good. It also reminds me of the Beckett biography I read, in that any quotation from Shakespeare sticks out a mile from the surrounding prose and therefore functions as a prompt to make you go and read the original stuff.

Been struggling reading this week, even though I'm on holiday and there's nothing else to do. Considering Moby Dick, now considering Shakespeare.

this ones good. will in the world is also one of the best historical bios i've ever read, it really makes the period feel vibrant and real. i was a big nerd about that stuff in high school/college, i really wanted to go drinking in london w shakespeare and chistopher marlowe and whatnot.

i even watched this:
which is probably one of the cringiest tv shows of all time.


thread death
I’m re-Reading Beloved, it was my favourite book for years but I haven’t read it in about a decade and those first chapters make so much modern literature seen pedestrian- it is both beautiful and fucking full of terror and horror.