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  1. DLaurent

    Ever give your stuff away?

    Ever give stuff to mates and expect nothing in return? That's what I'm doing with my records this evening, as they've been in the loft for 10 years now. I'm gonna take them to a mates house who still has decks, I've warned him they might blow a hole in his speaker though.
  2. DLaurent

    Mnml anthems of the 00s

    I slept on Mnml in the 00s by and large and only heard the anthems like The Sky Was Pink, Animals, Rej, and Marionette. Did I miss anything?
  3. DLaurent

    Dunning Kruger

    Is their theory true? Does 'too stupid to know it' apply? Have you ever felt this way in life? It seems to make sense to me, as I often encounter people with limited ability, knowledge or experience behaving in overconfident ways. I think they are more likely to make boldly stated...
  4. DLaurent

    Tony Scott

    Which of his films are worth watching and are they any good? Seen Top Gun, Beverley Hills Cop 2, and True Romance. Reason I asked is I watched the original 1987 Man on Fire the other day, and my mate told me to just watch the Denzel Washington remake. It's part of my new style of watching 'new'...
  5. DLaurent

    Unpopular opinions

    A thread for defending unpopular opinions. No one's going to agree but I'll make a case for defending. First is that I like Calibre, at least his good tracks. I've seen him get derided, lumped in with a lot of bad liquid DnB, but his drums were always slinkier than most other 2 step DnB, and...
  6. DLaurent

    Is there a best ever Chord?

    I'm thinking about things like Scriabin's Mystic Chord. This one popped up on my YouTube today, and is a bit simpler, being stacked minor 7ths, but strikes me as quite unique. Is there a better chord?
  7. DLaurent

    Double Bind?

    Anyone actually read any Bateson? I haven't, although I have found myself interested in the theories of a double bind. A) It's a situation I have felt I was in, and B) I think it can apply to how people are treated politically, in a wider sense, with the term 'Gaslighting' being popular...
  8. DLaurent

    Symphonic Soul

    What do we mean by symphonic soul? What are the biggest most orchestral and produced soul music tracks you can think of and who are the key producers? Anyone care to add to my playlist? Dionne Warwick - Track of the Cat Curtis Mayfield - Kung Fu The Temptations - Smiling Faces Sometimes The...
  9. DLaurent

    Pure Cinema?

    What is Pure Cinema to you? Defined originally I understand by Hitchcock. Maybe cemented by French Critics. Something to do with every element being perfect, as Hitchcock was on about Silent Films doing something without sound that only Cinema could do. I think I know it when I see it...
  10. DLaurent

    Can't Mix Won't Mix

    It's my first ever mix for years as I just got Virtual DJ. It's a bit rough around the edges as was my first ever take using the software, and I did it all using a mouse.
  11. DLaurent

    Adam Phillips

    Sorry if there's already a thread, but been catching up with this man. I like listening to him speak, but haven't read much if any of his work. Where is good to start? He's a good orator. The Paul Holdengraber interview is a good watch. Seems to make astute psychological observations, without...
  12. DLaurent

    Larry Levan

    What's the crack with Larry Levan? I've heard some of his remixes like Peanut Butter and First Time Around and think they're fire. Whenever I'm looking for something to listen to I type in Larry Levan in YouTube and it throws up loads of nice beats to listen, but I haven't listened to many of...
  13. DLaurent

    Boiler Room

    Don't really like Boiler Room myself. Something lost from it all being on video and people 'filming' on their phone taking selfies, but there's so many of them it's hard to ignore. What are the best ones? I've been watching Intergalactic Gary and it blows my socks off, no way could I tracklist them.
  14. DLaurent

    Black Water / To Be In Love / Jaguar

    Another pointless poll, but I like these three tunes and can't think of another one to add to the poll, and someone might be able to make a good comment!
  15. DLaurent

    Drum and Bass in 2000s

    Anyone like it and if so what are your favourite tunes post y2k? I feel it has been forgotten about and either written off as no good in the first place or cancelled?
  16. DLaurent


    Sorry if there's already a thread. I don't think there is. What's the best obscure italo? There's loads of course but many of the best ones are a bit obvious now, if I'm right.
  17. DLaurent

    Dance Scenes in Films

    I was thinking of a particular scene from this French film I saw a while ago called Nocturama about a teenage terrorist cell where they dance to electronic music but it's not on YouTube. It reminded me of other dance scenes in films. Which ones do you like?
  18. DLaurent

    The best Basslines

    There's another thread about the heaviest basslines but what are the best basslines? I've been talking about it elsewhere and need some inspiration as I haven't been able to come up with that many.
  19. DLaurent

    Michael Mann Wave

    There's some decent songs in Michael Mann films, not just the Tangerine Dream soundtracks but assorted 80s stuff. I found the band Shriekback today, but then it dawned on me, there's loads of stuff like that from the 80s. You just have to think of a term and put 'wave' after it on YouTube and it...
  20. DLaurent


    I never went though there were the same people who went to techno or goth places in Birmingham that did. Anyone on here go? If so what were the big tunes? Or Hard House in general?