I am a little concerned. Wes has nominally returned to the forum, after previously devoting all his spare time to Tinder dates with his tattoo clients. However, he has not seemed himself. In fact, he is in danger of becoming what I refer to as "Corpseified." The Corpseified user still posts but...
Alternate title because I'm happy with neither: "Pop Songs That Are Becoming Folk Songs"
This one's really for the Americans, @line b @kid charlemagne @Ian Scuffling @mvuent but obviously Brits are welcome to contribute
The idea is this: Folks songs, musicologically (not pop folk acts like the...
Characters with this power tend to be very versatile and difficult to predict, capable of easily catching opponents off guard and beating them at their own game.
Discard & Draw: They can only hold one power at a time; gaining a new power...
I remember my friend went to the dentist and the dentist said, Aha! You must be left handed. I can tell because you have a higher level of plaque buildup on the side of your teeth that's hardest to reach with the left hand
My friend is indeed left handed, but he brushes with his right always so...
Everyone remembers the opening of Frankenstein: a ship sailing through ice, the story told through letters sent home. Nosferatu is narrated the same way. The poet William Cowper coined the phrase "armchair traveller" to describe the pleasure of reading accounts of foreign journeys:
from "kevin...
This is a bit of an odd thread premise, perhaps it'll be a serious dud, but I think it could be interesting if it works
That is, I think Dissensus is at its best when there are several swirling threads that relate to one another, that build off each other, that only make sense in light of...
Man needs his own post.
Thread's on occasion of his new FT op-ed whose prose @ghost has called laboriously overwrought
Allen Ginsberg was the luggage handler they cut his set from five to two minutes and then had him handle baggage for Dylan. And then they gave Dylan the Nobel.
Seems like a wild guy. Is he some national hero across the pond? I think it's one of those names Americans vaguely know from David Lean (but maybe confuse with D.H.).
Collin Wilson was very interested in him as an archetypal outsider, someone driven to test the limits or boundaries of the...
This is by a guy named Paul Wyld by the way.
I don't know anything about him, I'd neve rheard of him his instagram has lots of pictures of his long bleached hair playing guitar, okay.
back door man
bathtub od catastrophe
cancel my subscription to the resurrection
i want you to hear the scream of the butterfly
mr mojo rising
nico from the velvet undergrounds's baggy bumhole
out here we is stoned immaculate
ride the snake
send my credentials to the house of detention
the face in the mirror won't stop
@line b posted about this recently and then deleted
I think it was about how he was always having to pull tinder dates into his orbit his gravitational field. But that it took work and made things more serious, less light, it couldn't just be casual. He is welcome to correct my account.
Posting on the Music board but it's more eclectic than that, a whole culture movement
Tiki bars, paperbacks, films like Gidget
I think my interest in this stuff started when I went to AO Hawaiian Hideout in Chicago for drinks (pictured above)
Then @line b recommended the brilliant...
a scandalous fishing party with lord sandwich
bikini atoll
bum damage
craner bummed unconscious by mr tea
craners baggy bumhole
tea's tantric tiki lodge
torpedo juice
txiki begiristain
Tyler Volk is a biologist who wrote a book in the 90s called Metapatterns which I quite like. It works through these abstract forms—sheets, spheres, tubes, gradients, spirals, etc—across many, highly varied domains. Art, indigenous cosmology, astrology, biology. E.g. a sphere is...
"How could the butterfly convince the caterpillar that this change is OK?"
There is a phrase in philosophy, "transformative experience." The idea is that the experience radically reshapes your values and preferences and self.
So maybe a friend offers you a transformative experience. Maybe it's...
are you listening b.j.?
have you been enjoying yourself?
path of the samurai
sex tour of china with barty
with friends like these...
you're beautiful let me buy you a plane ticket
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