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  1. D

    Orhan Pamuk

    Which Saramago did you try? A Year in the Death of Ricardo Reis is a wonderful book, I think. Re. Pamuk - I realise I've been put off by a negative judgment from a friend on I can't even remember which book; will find something by him and give him a try now
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    k punk on adoption

    A model pretty much imported wholesale from Ireland by religious orders.
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    k punk on adoption

    I never said any body equated a baby with a phone or whatever - read the post again; secondly, I have a child of my own, now nearly grown up and to whom I 've been an everpresent father though separated from her mother- I'm probably a lot closer to being a grandparent, not to mind a parent, than...
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    100 Years of DENIAL

    What the fuck is your point, Buick? yes there was a subterranean anti- semitic current in Irish republicanism; it's long disappeared as even the article you cite admits. What you think this has to do with Droid's or my opposition to recent Israeli actions escapes me - I'm not a republican for a...
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    THE (imaginary) MUGSHOT THREAD

    *Droid has dyed his hair reddish purple* Weirdly, there's a guy i see around Dublin who I've idly thought could be Droid - though rationally I'm sure he isn't - who has just dyed his hair exactly that colour.
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    Freak folk

    Vetiver and Deerhoof both playing -separately - in Dublin next week; either or both worth seeing?
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    pretentiously inappropriate names for bars/ restaurants etc.

    Prompted by the appearance of a coffee bar in Rathmines - a Dublin inner southside suburb (Camden would be its London equivalent) - called Kafka's; you know the guy who wrote the Hunger Artist. Any more?
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    tapper zukie

    'And I would rather be a militant in the army of Rastafari More than to be corporal, or a superintendent in the army of Babylon!'
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    THE POGUES - the cases for and against

    Saw them first when they were still Poguemahone in a red flock lampshade place near warren st. station (name?) in '84 and they shook me up no end; songs like 'Paddy's been working on the railroad' and the 'Irish Rover', which were embarassing Oirishry at home, seemed entirely different when sung...
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    Does 'pop' music date?

    ..... not so much that it 'dates' then; rather that it'll sleep with anyone
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    Poll: What kind of school did Dissensus posters go to?

    Slightly off topic, but Don Rosco's post brought it to mind; when i was at school, relatively few Irish kids went to fee paying secondary schools; currently state sector schools in richer parts of Dublin are closing due to lack of numbers while fee paying schools expand hugely - the reason...
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    This is an escalation without precedent in the terrorist war waged by...Hamas"

    The following was posted on a football forum here this week; the poster - in case it isn't clear - is an irish soldier who served in the Lebanon; Re: Why Do They Hate Us? Lebanon's 9/11 « Reply #5 on 7-21-2006 at 2:33 » What has happened this week in Lebanon (a country I know very well...
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    This is an escalation without precedent in the terrorist war waged by...Hamas"

    It's being lovely here in Dublin for the last week, thanks.
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    This is an escalation without precedent in the terrorist war waged by...Hamas"

    There's so much wrong with that, from the grammar upwards On the substantive issue; i spent the weekend reading Daniel Deronda, George Eliot's weird book about the position of Jews in 19th c. England; as I heard about the bombing of Lebanon, I was reading the section where Mordecai, a visionary...
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    Shankill road bonfire

    On BBC N.I. last night, they managed to find a Brazilian on the rainy streets of Belfast - it always rains on the twelfth, no matter what its like the rest of the week - who said 'in Brazil we have carnival; this is a bit different, but the same idea' - I doubt if Brazilian TV goes looking for...
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    Shankill road bonfire

    depends on the family and their idea of fun i guess...
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    What scares you ???

    'Nothing frightens me more, than religion at my door'
  18. D

    The World Cup Thread *******

    Wild Idea, but maybe you should actually go to a football match? (don't know if you have a local MLS team) As Don Quixote said above, for real football fans, the fortunes of your own team is way more important than that of an international side, and terrace culture is infinitely more...