@catalog i thought i should let you know that your boy Snow has a hour long Vladtv interview not that i'm suggesting you go watch it because DJ Vlad is a terrible person but its there
also that Snow looks haggard in the video
all true but also the irony of Cube is that and NWA really is that the only actual street guy in the crew was Easy and it's especially interesting when you think about how Cube was calling certain rappers sellouts and soft like MC Hammer yet Hammer is from Oakland and he had ALOT of people who...
i just ask about the other ones because they're all on that vibe maybe not in terms of mannerism and what have but same thing, they filmed The Mack out in Oakland so its not like this just sprang up outta nowhere
he's a pimp luka (or really ex pimp now) they all have that flamboyant quality about them in terms of mannerims and how much work and effort they put into their style and plus how slinky that beat is.
but i'm certain that if you were to call any of them gay, they'd try to hit you in the jaw
@shakahislop here's some more concentrated objectification for that ass
hopefully this puts to rest the idea that Debaby is anything but MOR whether he's on pop radio or not
also the way this ends is perfect
to not veer too off topic here's a recent album i listened to
i can see how Icewear Vezzo might not appeal to you as a rapper because it doesn't have the kind of "shock of the new" that you want from rap but it's just good solid street rap and i like that he doesn't budge an inch from his...
as a black brit especially when it comes to rap and sometimes engaging with rap journalists again like i said its this thing of who the hell let you sneak in but also its this sense of you're recognised as black and one of us but you haven't really suffered like us
Americans problem is one of essentialist thinking and not only that but in their mind things that don't follow or come from that are somehow more deficient
I think my problem with your interpretation as far as using words such as ignorance and misinterpreting is it gives this sense that these...
Kurt Vonnegut wrote a piece on Celine that i think is flawed because in some ways he's still too kind to him and the legacy he leaves behind but he ended it on a really poignant note when he talked about his experiences as a medic during world war 1 and seeing the level of incompetency and...
that would require the universe to even laugh at all and yknow what patty the fact that we are but a blip in amongst the grand scheme of things is a awfully liberating feeling.
The thing with the people who we keep hearing about doing the worst possible is that they cannot envision a world...
it's not weird to Americans because it's all already there the familiarity of it all but as always familiarity can bring about a certain level of contempt, its better to think of rap more so in regions rather than one giant block not just to differentiate the styles but also how they operate...
the alieness of it is a big part of it sure but like wise its the same for any other country that is say outside of the West its not an abberation it just is
if it was only applicable to Brits and rap then explain to me all them donnys who get vinyl comps of old highlife and ju-ju tunes
seeing this reminds me of something i read about Iggy Azealea who i've never liked but i thought was very telling she said growing up as a girl in Australia listening to rap music she said that she felt alienated and left out by the references to specific locations and hoods that they reffered...
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