
  1. wektor

    DJ ZASPA, T Raindrop, Tony Bandana + DJ Zwycięzca Śmierci at BarBaazar, Warsaw

    Due to Śmigus Dyngus - after having a rough conversation with my landlord and having some nice festive food at a family gathering (scheduled to start between 2-3pm) I will be spinning some flaki in a bar east of the Vistula river with a few mates I have not seen in a long time. Music will start...
  2. wektor

    notation in music?

    following the shitstorm under a convo between mark fell and rian treanor cut from the wire notation (its pianoroll equivalent in case of computer made music...
  3. S

    "Hollow Trees", unreleased project.

    Hey guys, I'm completely new to the forum, I have no idea if this is the right thread, but I wanted to find a place with some music enthusiasts to share a project I was working on up until now, that I decided to make public, since I can't work on it anymore. For the past few years I've been...
  4. funkprod

    Music Production Thread

    Hi guys I've discovered a bew genre for me , it's lofi , so I am making some tracks in my FL , and I want to know which DAW software and resources u usually use for making music. My app FL 12 resources: - sound effects - melodies...
  5. I

    Bazooka Life

    Bazooka Life Official Video - 7 Tracks - 5 Unreleased Tracks Enjoy :)
  6. mairi

    Is there anybody who likes jazz?

    Hey guys. Is there anybody who admires jazz? I think it's kind of music which not everybody understand but lots of people like. Which doers you like most?
  7. N

    Sheffield Bassline - Music Nation for Channel 4

    Hello! Dazed is telling the story of Sheffield Bassline Airing on Channel 4 this Autumn. Today we need your help, we're looking for Bassline fans with, Bassline CD collections and flyers from the beginning of the scene. Have any Bassline memorabilia? Know anyone who does? Let us know...
  8. A

    Texas Tape Music

    My friend from the UK and told me I should check out this site but I haven't found a whole bunch for Collage/Concrete-ish/Experimental music yet so I'm shamelessly starting a thread for the like.. I make stories from cassettes using many samples (burp) Praise God...
  9. Wifey

    Tahya Masr! A Celebration of the people's uprising in Egypt

    Not the usual kind of thing I'd post up in here, but this is quite an important one for me and the people involved. Plus, the line-up is actually SILLY! The facebook event is here: and some more blurb: -- A celebration of the people's...
  10. Tentative Andy

    Music is bad

    Let's be honest now. No-one hear listens to that crap, do they?