The Great Filter


International space station will be zooming overhead at like 15000 miles per hour at 18:27 this evening - west to east
totally cloudy here right now, but would be easy to spot if it clears up
especially from liverpool area


The thing that I find kinda hard to handle in this discussion is the sheer scale of things... the distances and the times involved. It's so hard to get our head around any of that.

I was reading the other day about the sci-fi genre called "evolutionary horror" and that was something that ties into this in my mind cos evolution obviously takes place over generations at the very least. I read about this book called All Tomorrows which seems pretty dark and fucked up in its own right, but - for me - it's especially unpleasant cos of the time scale involved.

Has anyone read that? Or even heard of it?

All Tomorrows: A Billion Year Chronicle of the Myriad Species and Mixed Fortunes of Man is a 2006 work of science fiction and speculative evolution written and illustrated by the Turkish artist C. M. Kosemen under the pen name Nemo Ramjet. It explores a hypothetical future path of human evolution set from the near future to a billion years from the present. Several future human species evolve through natural means and through genetic engineering, conducted by both humans themselves and by a mysterious and superior alien species called the Qu.
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FreeIf you're in a dark forest, the first thing that makes a noise gets eaten.

This is a strange one cos on the one hand you got a load of people merrily beaming out messages saying who we are, what we know and where to find us - and then a few other voices urging caution and saying "Er maybe we shouldn't draw attention to ourselves" but of course they can't just stop everyone else.

And the enthusiastic ones make an argument that if there is someone out there who has both the ability and desire to find us then they will so we've nothing to lose and we should try and control the message... but surely if they really believed they wouldn't spend so much time and money amplifying the signal.


There's a plan to catch up with Oumuamua, Project Lyra, and it looks like this

No rendezvous until 2050 though
where do we sign up?