Sadmanbarty's Crackle Party


Well-known member
i'm a minute in. if some bloke doesn't hop on it in a second jabbering about stabbing his cousin i'll be livid.


Well-known member
This is not Hungarian electroacoustic from 100 years ago this is German techno!


Well-known member
its nice actually. asmr music.

it sounds like when its late but you still have the lights on. that weird disassociate thing you get from that. also the piercing nature of it, there are this incredibly high pitched blips every now and then, and they intrude on my ears in the same way as bright light intrudes on tired eyes.


Well-known member
its finished now. i enjoyed it. not as music, but as something. its a tired music. its an intense focus on rustling covers when you're half awake, gradually emerging from a lie in. its cosy and warm. it wraps itself around you like covers.

its the same temperature as when you climb into bed between mum and dad.


Well-known member
my immediate repsonse to rene hell is that where the german one was actually in pursuit of an aesthetic, this is just being annoying. goldsmiths music.

but, clearing my head of that.

you have that suspended organ sound in the background. that to me conjure two duel notions of entertainment; one is an old music hall organ type thing or old timey cinema and the other is the thx music. suppose there's a hallowwen, dracula componant to it.

the other bits sounds like when you lose a life in an old arcade game. game over.

lots of scraping a plastic comb over things.

the 2nd half sounds like that thing odb does on the skit intro of going down. that voice croak thing.

to me the other one was artistic, whereas this isn't. it has no aesthetic or emotional impact.


Well-known member
Yeah second one is autechre music ADD music Mountain Dew and x-box bratty music


pass the sick bucket
was enjoying this thread till the art claims started coming out, sure you two aren't goldsmiths students? because when i told them conceiving electronic music as art is fundamentally wrong headed they got so irate, even the women.

Also only Americans sleep with mum and dad.


pass the sick bucket
tbf i shouldn't chat too much shit i ain't even listened to it. but if you're gonna go that way you might as well go full hybrid-analogue-digital algorithmic modular patches like Keith Fullerton Whitman and run em for 6 hours. it's like cloning and you can become a God in your own studio whilst impregnating Persefonae from st. andrews uni, and you'll have reams and reams of music you can just upload to soundcloud when you've made the journey back.

personally I can't wait for computers to take over all music making, I'm sick of humans.
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Tight but Polite
Yeah, for my part I'm very much more about spaced out old techno than hyperactive takes on a soundworld that goes back to late nineties Autechre.
