
I love this video. Someone described it as "desert glam mystique".

Less than a week after performing at the Giza Pyramids in Egypt, Sting was named a recipient of the Kahlil Gibran Spirit of Humanity cross-cultural understanding award.
The Arab American Institute will honor the British rocker on May 5 in Washington, D.C. for his "commitment to indigenous people and the environment, as well as his efforts to promote cross-cultural understanding,"
Cheb Mami’s halftime performance with Sting at the 2001 Super Bowl, preceded by the pre-game appearance of Desert Storm commander Norman Schwarzkopf and flag-hoisting soldiers for the singing of the national anthem, placed Arab culture safely within Western rock ‘n’ roll and a celebration of US military might. To underscore the point, a Stealth bomber roared overhead at the anthem’s crescendo.