
bandz ahoy
Luka already did this thread

But now I'm doing it

I went to see "Last Year in Marienbad" today, one of the most infuriating and fascinating films I've ever seen, it felt like 3 hours at 90 minutes

And must have been a HUGE influence on the Shining. A huge ornate hotel, dreamy sinsiter tracking shots, everybody stuck in loops of time.

I documented on here how I watched the Shining twice in a row once, on acid, and realised that I must immediately leave my career in marketing, understanding with crystal clear clarity that only endless impenetrable ambiguity can resist the slings and arrows of a semi transcendent consciousness subjecting it to unillusioned scrutiny. If you smell me.

It might make my top 10, up there with masterworks like Lord of the Rings, Master and Commander, Wild Strawberries, Kikis Delivery Service, Cast Away, Gone Girl and Avengers Assemble.


bandz ahoy
Oh and Jurassic Park

I'd like to have seen Jurassic Park remade by Kubrick

Funny that him and Spielberg were friends in a way


Well-known member
not much of a thread this. aren't you going to say something clever about the shining?


Beast of Burden
Luka already did this thread

But now I'm doing it

I went to see "Last Year in Marienbad" today, one of the most infuriating and fascinating films I've ever seen, it felt like 3 hours at 90 minutes

And must have been a HUGE influence on the Shining. A huge ornate hotel, dreamy sinsiter tracking shots, everybody stuck in loops of

Two of the worst films ever made.


Well-known member
Clever things will happen here
"God, I'd give anything for a drink. I'd give my goddamned soul for just a glass of beer." - Jack Torrance, at the 'bar' asking for 'beer'. 'Beer' & 'Bar' both sound a lot like Bear. In fact, in Dutch, 'beer' = Bear.


Well-known member
craner has a theory that Jews can't make films. He has another theory that says the French can't make films. He has yet another theory that the only people who can make films are sleazy Italians working on a shoestring budget.


bandz ahoy
LYIMarienbad was excruciating to watch

It became more interesting after I'd watched it and began thinking about it

I admired how excruciating it was though, what stern hairshirt principles to make the soundtrack so unbearable


bandz ahoy
I was reading John Betjeman after the film, found a book in the second hand shop, and I really gulped it down, and suspected it on that account, it was too easy to enjoy


bandz ahoy
But perhaps the best stuff is the stuff that goes down easy but has something going on in it so you find you've swallowed a psychedelic poison


bandz ahoy
Oh would I could subdue the flesh
Which sadly troubles me!
And then perhaps could view the flesh
As though I never knew the flesh
And merry misery.

To see the golden hiking girl
With wind about her hair,
The tennis-playing, biking girl,
The wholly-to-my-liking girl,
To see and not to care.


Beast of Burden
Jews are the best film producers in history, and Italians are the best film directors.

They shouldn't be allowed to buy film cameras in France.