What are your cycles?


What are your cycles?

Cycles of work and play. Cycles of city and countryside. Cycles of building and losing drug tolerance. Cycles of reading and writing. Cycles of finding new music and listening to what you already know and love. Cycles of cleaning and dirtying the flat. Seasonal cycles of planting and sowing and reaping.

Cycles of sociality and reclusiveness. Cycles of employment and unemployment. Cycles of mania and depression. Cycles of posting and lurking. Cycles of optimism and pessimism.


Well-known member
There are certain things which hit me in bursts. If I buy a book, it'll often set me off buying a load in quick succession then I won't buy any for a while. Sometimes happens posting online too. Get into this tweaky headspace and feel compelled to post loads of stupid stuff and bombard people with GIFs.

You get grooves you slip in and out of. You do something and settle into the groove for a while then something knocks you out of it and you suddenly realise it's been a while since you did whatever it was.