how can sufi place word trade books in trendy shops?


Well-known member
eg how can he get our wares into cafe oto, whitechapel art gallery or the ica bookshop?
it cant be that difficult they stock a right load of shit in those places.


bandz ahoy
Is dissensus shunned by the cultural cognoscenti of London?

You'd think there might be some crossover, but perhaps we're seen as the lowest of the low


bandz ahoy
E.g. director of the ICA may visit here because k punk founded it and within seconds they're being confronted by a thread about licking arse


Well-known member
its insane that ive sold only 4 books and one of those was to a mad woman on the street. surely i should be able to do 150?


bandz ahoy
The question then isn't so much how can we get your books into cafe oto as why haven't we all got plum jobs on the arts council


is not like other people
I'm frankly disgusted by the general level of slackness in the culture. gone are the days when air dropping poetry into an enemy state was considered a civic duty. i have wasted a beautiful mind on this rubbish.


eg how can he get our wares into cafe oto, whitechapel art gallery or the ica bookshop?
it cant be that difficult they stock a right load of shit in those places.
Sending an email a good start I would imagine

He could also leave them on the shelves. Guerilla sales tactics. Cause a stir if someone tries to ring up and it's not in the computer system


eg how can he get our wares into cafe oto, whitechapel art gallery or the ica bookshop?
it cant be that difficult they stock a right load of shit in those places.
I once asked an independent bookshop near Old Street whether they would stock my philosophy book and they read some of it there and then and said 'yes', whereupon I did nothing about it. So my advice is ask them in person and try 2nd or 3rd tier trendy bookshops first so that you can tell the trendier ones they've been accepted elsewhere.


Record shops get given promo copies; do that. Arrange for a friend to go in and buy your promo copy; then they will want more stock.


I once asked an independent bookshop near Old Street whether they would stock my philosophy book and they read some of it there and then and said 'yes', whereupon I did nothing about it. So my advice is ask them in person and try 2nd or 3rd tier trendy bookshops first so that you can tell the trendier ones they've been accepted elsewhere.
What is your philosophy book biscuits?


oh hi is it's true that you stock philosophical, works by M.X. Biscuit
Yes, have your mates go ask the shops first if they stock it. Create a problem so that stocking the chapbook becomes a solution. A demand for the supply

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Is dissensus shunned by the cultural cognoscenti of London?

You'd think there might be some crossover, but perhaps we're seen as the lowest of the low

By those that are even aware of it, I imagine so, yes. Also, most people just aren't bothered about forums these days.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Some of the political opinions expressed here are very off putting too. Imagine being a 'young creative' and being publicly asked to explain why you're on a forum with Biscuits.


Well-known member
yeah i actually think we should just assasinate all our nazis theyre just way too embaresing at the end of the day.


bandz ahoy
cos he's the zeitgeist man
