
bandz ahoy
I was walking down an alley on the way to work today and there was a person about twenty feet ahead of me, I mimed drawing and cocking a pistol and double tapped them in the head

Whenever I go up the stairs at my parents house I mime holding an M16, kick my bedroom/the toilet door open and sweep the room for terrorists

Every time I'm left alone in a lift with a mirror I gurn and grin at myself in the mirror and then I enjoy "dropping" the mad grin when the doors open


bandz ahoy
I was shopping earlier and I was at the self service tills, I saw two little boys with their dad and was momentarily annoyed by one of them for some reason, the mildest suspicion that they were being rambunctious and I thought about how funny it would be if I told the father he has two very ugly sons and then from there I thought well I'd have to be able to beat him up otherwise he would beat me up and then I thought if I could and did it I'd be a horrible person a bully like Paul Sykes and I regretted the whole thing


bandz ahoy
When I was a child in the back seat being driven somewhere up the motorway (by my dad not a chauffeur) I would imagine we were in a big race with the other cars

But now it's mostly day dreams involving violent sexual assaults etc.


bandz ahoy
I'm in a weird mood today

But these little playful moments are a permanent fixture of my life

They're not all about fantasising about doing inappropriate things, I guess they're escapist, life is so fucking boring if you're not stalking your victims with a silenced PPK


bandz ahoy
Think of how imaginative you are as a child, and yet as an adult you're rarely called upon to imagine anything except endlessly constructing foul sexual fantasies about your friends partners


bandz ahoy
Anyway I'm playing up to your image of me, your imaginary image of me, here, really this is a thread for more whimsical flights of fancy, such as assassinating a man down an alley with a silenced pistol