no promises (re: women, djing, music, the weirding way, etc.)


A Liniment's Evil Work
I just ain't that smart, but apparently @IdleRich and maybe one of two other people find my plotless, inane rambling stories and thoughts amusing so I'll continue here instead of commandeering someone's thread.

The first thing that came to mind a few minutes ago:


As Flavor Flav would say, he should get a smack for that!

As as I listened to ABBA's Dancing Queen again for the first time in ages, they clearly lay it out: See that girl, see that scene, digging the dancing queen. - You're a teaser, you turn 'em on - Leave 'em burning and then your gone.

Since this thread will be the very epitome of self-indulgent as it is, I'd like to mostly skip over sob story/sad sack shit (especially since I still carry and think about a lot of that stuff as it is),
except to post a couple of probable recaps and then mostly move on:

only in my case it was age 29, not third grade

some random ranting about it by some random rando somewhere:
"It is caused by having a damaged/deformed Corpus Callosum (neurons which connect and relay information between the two hemispheres of your brain).

It basically means you have a high verbal IQ but in every other way you are retarded. It's often mistaken/misdiagnosed as autism but it's basically inverted Autism. You are able to speak clearly and fluently but are in a severe deficit for things like math/science/music/art/everything else. This actually makes it worse because while autists usually have marketable talents, people with NVLD are basically screwed.
Another common issue with people who have this form of brain damage is that when they were younger they often did very well in school and were constantly praised for it. But as they got older and their disability began to manifest, they slowly fell behind their peers. This often leads to a complete collapse of ego and a lifetime of self hatred and low self esteem as things only get worse with age. Many simply withdraw from society all together, since they will never be able to compete and people often treat them poorly.
The high verbal IQ is often more of a hindrance than a help as well since being verbose often times makes people overestimate you and when they see how clumsy and clueless you actually are they recoil thinking you were just faking being smart.
Unlike your common variety of idiot who is often so stupid that he doesn't realize how bad he has it, the one type of intelligence that NVLD sufferers actually posses allows them to realize how badly they are being shafted. This breeds anger and endless frustration. Many people with NVLD also have extreme tempers due to all the pent up frustration and loneliness in their lives.
I wouldn't wish this shit on my worst enemy."
theme song (obviously for a different reason if you haven't figured that out):

now moving on:
There was a year I spent away from gville during which time a sort of transformation/metamorphosis took place to such a degree that some people barely recognized me when I got back, and if not quite that, they were at least shook, or did some hard double takes.

I'll leave it there for now except to maybe say if the phrases "from zero to hero" and the variations on the "a man with nothing to lose.." were meant for someone, it could be like that, but, I dunno, that's probably a bit silly and overly dramatic.

don't know if i'll get back to this today or not...


Small town boy resonates for any of us who were a bit weird (apparently) and grew up in a yeah small town. Remember leaving my stool in the pub for two secs and there was a note placed there said "shit staber (sic)".


ABBA Gold is one of the great albums of the 20th century I think.

It seems you have titular promises to pursue, w/r/t women and the weirding way!


A Liniment's Evil Work
i'll def say more about women as I go along, but now is a good time to talk about the, uh, lol, "the weirding way"
That's supposed to be a double meaning:
Firstly, because I'm weird/abnormal or however you wish to put it.
Secondly, as from Dune - The key axiom of the Weirding Way was, in the words of Farad'n Corrino, "My mind affects my reality."
and also the aspect of training yourself
One thing that I always had a problem with was looking people in the eye (mentally painful), and I also didn't like people looking at me (said the guy that would soon go peacocking around town) so I somehow trained myself to become better at doing it (don't ask me how, I just did it - I'm not even sure how i broke through that barrier) and I perhaps even became too good at it, because I now sometimes wonder if I'm looking at people in the eye too long!
Another thing was posture and carrying yourself confidently. I think that a reason that a lot of people would try to fuck with me in the past was because of that.
I had also got comments in the past from people like "you should join the football team" (meaning american football) to things like where my cousins once mentioned that if I changed how I carried myself, I would/could be quite intimidating, or just other random experiences like being asked if i was a cousin's bodyguard when he once went to perform somewhere.
I also decided to change my name from the diminutive that everyone knew by my whole life to another that I thought sounded less childish, and I also made the decision to switch from glasses to contacts.
"My mind affects my reality." - I just decided that even if i didn't think much of myself, I could at least act like I do (even maybe going a bit too far) - fake it 'til you make it!
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"My mind affects my reality." - I just decided that even if i didn't think much of myself, I could at least act like I do (even maybe going a bit too far) - fake it 'til you make it!
This recovering alcoholic guy I met recently said that one of the phrases he was taught was something along the lines of "If I don't think much of myself why do I think about myself all the time".


A Liniment's Evil Work
after a ~year away from gville (mostly uninteresting side track - not worth going into it), having mastered what I could from the weirding way, I return

My friend S soon shows up with her new friend J.
I can tell right away that J is well into me, but I didn't quite feel the same about her.
Someone ( @dilbert ?) here recently posted something about people that don't have their own personality or character, and if they like someone, they will absorb their characteristics. She was way too much like that, and as far as her friendship with S was concerned, S revealed to me that it had been very much turning into a Single White Female situation, released that same year:
The good news is that J soon found another guy in which to sink her teeth (I had figured not to even allow her to get close enough to me to do that), but unfortunately for S, it was someone that S liked, and J knew very well that S liked him. What a bitch! and what an idiot that guy was - and S was definitely hotter, too.
BUT, before J moved on with that guy, she had talked to the people at the place with the TECH-NO sign I posted in that other thread, and told them about me and said something like that I have the cool, good music. Apparently, she had been talking me up because the DJ that was there was leaving, and probably not a moment too soon.
They agreed, sight unseen, to hire me (shows what kind of operation they were running, doesn't it?) and so I came down with my crates and records and stuff so that this other DJ could show me around and I could also see the kind of stuff this older cat was spinning.
OK, so first of all, this guy had a blonde mulletperm and for that reason alone he should have had to leave (yeah, I'm a bitch), and his repertoire seemed to mainly consist of stuff from the 80s. I'm not saying that I was the shit, but something like this would be the height of his set

I went on after him for a bit, and he seemed to be taking furious notes.
Indeed, he was one of the DJs at a rave I went to not too long after that and was playing stuff he had learned from me and was thanking me for it.
props to him, I guess!
I didn't really care - I had a decent weekly gig where I could play pretty much what I wanted to play.


Well-known member
@0bleak you're avoiding that story about 23 years on the run from the FBI when they were after you for selling "orange" LSD and you had to live in the woods and live off the bucket passed around at raves?

I loved that story

please make it true

then I could live life vicariously through you


Well-known member
sorry, I still kinda feel bad about that so don't want to embellish it any further
but if someone wants to read my one and only tall tale: - I didn't think people would take it serious, but I've had to clear it up a few times with different individuals...

I loved that story, you do not have to deny it because the feds are still after you, but if you have to pretend it is not true because the FBI will incarcerate you, then we can all pretend you were making "make believe", no skin off my nose


A Liniment's Evil Work
ok, some more stuff regarding women
One time, my friend S, brought her friend F over to my place.
I had briefly encountered F at least a couple of times before, and knew that she wasn't interested in the "before" me.
However, this time, she couldn't have made it any more blatantly apparent that she now felt differently.
now I can't remember exactly if she had been a ballerina or gymnast, but it was something that had required people to be extremely flexible.
When she gets there, she almost immediately gets on my bed and starts bending herself every which way, doing the splits, etc.
Unknown to most people, however, is that there is a syndrome that runs through my mom's side called Hypermobility Syndrome. That means, well at least back then, I could easily even do things like wrap my legs around my head, and so i THOUGHT, just very briefly THOUGHT about getting on the floor or bed next to her and saying "Oh, yeah?! Well, see what I can do!", but it quickly occurred to me that (most) no one wants to see a man wrap his legs around his head with ass now sticking out in the air.


Well-known member
ok, some more stuff regarding women
One time, my friend S, brought her friend F over to my place.
I had briefly encountered F at least a couple of times before, and knew that she wasn't interested in the "before" me.
However, this time, she couldn't have made it any more blatantly apparent that she now felt differently.
now I can't remember exactly if she had been a ballerina or gymnast, but it was something that had required people to be extremely flexible.
When she gets there, she almost immediately gets on my bed and starts bending herself every which way, doing the splits, etc.
Unknown to most people, however, is that there is a syndrome that runs through my mom's side called Hypermobility Syndrome. That means, well at least back then, I could easily even do things like wrap my legs around my head, and so i THOUGHT, just very briefly THOUGHT about getting on the floor or bed next to her and saying "Oh, yeah?! Well, see what I can do!", but it quickly occurred to me that (most) no one wants to see a man wrap his legs around his head with ass now sticking out in the air.

sort of reminds me of a book I couldn't finish about LA film production

there was a passage when the guy mentioned he interrupted his ballerina girlfriend while her head was down the toilet with a finger down her throat and another finger was somewhere more private

what was that book?

not that I need to know, I'm not going to read the rest of it, it was a pretty rubbish read but that paragraph stuck, maybe only so I could tell a work mate who is into ANOREXIC ANAL, lol, but I suppose BULIMIC SOLO is sort of adjacent?

edit: I once knew the sister of the one male ballet dancer in the UK was not gay and she told me he had the pick


A Liniment's Evil Work
And another story about a woman that didn't like the "before" me.
I was out at a club (duh) and see this woman that I hadn't seen in maybe a couple of years so I go up to her and reintroduce myself and say, "hey you remember me" then I walk off to go back to the woman that I was there with and we decide to go to the patio to cool off.
Not seconds later, the woman that didn't like the "before me" (and I'd actually heard from friends about at least two less-than-kind things said about me by her), comes out to the patio and sits down facing us, and we're the only 3 people out there.
At this point, the woman I'm there with practically starts climbing all over me (I also mention to her that I used to like that other woman and she asks why, and I think "why indeed"), and I couldn't help but get a little petty enjoyment out the scenario, but for some reason I also felt kind of bad for her. *shrug*


Well-known member
the problem with the male ballet dancer was was he was only into Japanese women so he ended up with a airline stewardess whose home cooking tasted of 'soap' - the marriage didn't last long, but she had a sense of humour so there is at least one funny story from that union