I keep thinking about the phrase "turned on" as I read this book
Like a lightbulb going off
But also like being bathed in sunrays. Eastern dawn in the mind. A sunrise. A moment of vision. "In my youth I was the light." Divine spark. An enchanted enthusiasm. The world turns you on and suddenly it's glowing with meaning. "I want a blaze of light to flame in me forever in a timeless, dear love of everything."
The flame metaphors are everywhere in this book. "Candle burning at both ends" stuff. At one point Wyld describes Morrison's birth year ('43) as the year of the bombs: the inauguration of the Manhattan Project, and the discovery by Hoffman of LSD.
(The hydrogen bomb uses, as its trigger, an atomic bomb)
This video does a decent job of describing the process by which a fire starts. The activation energy needed for solid wood vs isolated shreddings.
The way heat generates more radicals generates more heat generates more radicals. "If our initial bit of energy spreads out before it can make a large concentration of radicals, then our fire won't get started... We have to start making our fire with very small pieces of fuel; for this job, something which is not wood is even better: straw, and grass seeds. Because they are high in a molecule called cellulose... [which] comes with its own oxygen, so once we start burning it it's very easy to keep it burning. Wood however has lignin... which is much harder to burn. But even then, our problem is water... If our wood is damp it won't light at all."