Seems like a wild guy. Is he some national hero across the pond? I think it's one of those names Americans vaguely know from David Lean (but maybe confuse with D.H.).
Collin Wilson was very interested in him as an archetypal outsider, someone driven to test the limits or boundaries of the world. To work with the invisible things, aura and charisma and courage and defy the usual limits of 'rational' or 'reasonable' minds.
"I wanted to feel what it was like to be the mainspring of a national movement, and to have some millions of people expressing themselves through me; and being a half-poet, I don't value material things much. Sensation and mind seem to me much greater, and the ideal, such a thing as the impulse that took us into Damascus, the only thing worth doing."
(Which Wyld compares to Jim Morrison: "Let's just say I was testing the bounds of reality. I was curious to see what would happen. That's all it was: justs curiosity."
Collin Wilson was very interested in him as an archetypal outsider, someone driven to test the limits or boundaries of the world. To work with the invisible things, aura and charisma and courage and defy the usual limits of 'rational' or 'reasonable' minds.
"I wanted to feel what it was like to be the mainspring of a national movement, and to have some millions of people expressing themselves through me; and being a half-poet, I don't value material things much. Sensation and mind seem to me much greater, and the ideal, such a thing as the impulse that took us into Damascus, the only thing worth doing."
(Which Wyld compares to Jim Morrison: "Let's just say I was testing the bounds of reality. I was curious to see what would happen. That's all it was: justs curiosity."