Dud thread


Well-known member
You also need the babies, not just the boom. And we ain't making those anymore for a while now, so best you may get it some sclerotic parody of that thing; something that moves sluggishly and breaths heavily while complaining about pain in the knees.
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Well-known member
Big thing with any kind of magic is that if requires a practice element, it can't be just reading and talking.


The 60s protest revival has been led by top-level university administration raised by parents who were there in the 60s...these people have been so desperate to their own righteous protests that they unleashed race riots after a legally confirmed non-racist murder, protests in favour of the oppressed who just happen to be a group intent on worldwide Jewish genocide and defence of sex rights that have neither anything to do with sex nor involve anything the protestors themselves can explain. First as tragedy, then as farce.


There's so much going on online that one can have the impression that anything that one wants to be happening is happening. Having said that, I did a bit of spoon-bending again today so there's clearly something in the air.