Creative Genius at Walkers


Beast of Burden
I just had a packet of Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding flavour crisps. That's what I call innovative.


Well-known member
it has long been my contention that the countrys finest minds gravitate to jobs at walkers. the company is a true powerhouse. oriental crackers, the great british takeaway range, the mini poppodums, flavours like pickled onion, worcester sauce, tomato ketchup, even their aquisitions have been inspired giving new life to smiths and their classic crisps (monster munch, the brilliant squares range etc) walkers are the only thing the british people can be justly proud of.


Victory lap
luka said:
it has long been my contention that the countrys finest minds gravitate to jobs at walkers. the company is a true powerhouse. oriental crackers, the great british takeaway range, the mini poppodums, flavours like pickled onion, worcester sauce, tomato ketchup, even their aquisitions have been inspired giving new life to smiths and their classic crisps (monster munch, the brilliant squares range etc) walkers are the only thing the british people can be justly proud of.

This time last year I was writing all their employment ads. The phrases 'Sensational salty snacks" and "tongue-tinglingly tasty lunchtime treats" had to be included in every ad, BY LAW.


Well-known member
They're owned by Frito-Lay, the US snack giant, if I'm not wrong.

I guess that makes 'em even more british...


Well-known member
that doesn't take anything away from the truly gifted people making the magic happen. chip shop curry sauce flavour was not conceived in ohio thats for sure.


Beast of Burden
Peking Spare Rib & Five Spice Oriental Crackers Walkers Sensations:

that's one exquisite fucking crisp!

Brittle, and sweet. Fizzles your tounge: leaves it tingling, gagging for sauce!


Well-known member
It's not just Walkers though is it, although as a Leicester lad I appreciate their intrinsic genius? I've always thought the UK led the Western hemisphere, if not the world, in potato, corn and wheat based snacks. I am slight disturbed by the concept of a 'Mild Cheese' Wotsit, but am greatly enjoying the 'Really Cheesy' Twisted Wotsits as compensation...

I've also become slightly hooked on the RedMill range of snacks, in particular 'Pickled Onion Transform-a-Snack'. 20p for a slice of heaven/hell. I just can't decide but I keep coming back for more...

My girlfriend's father actually works for Walkers deliverying snacks across the UK. We always enjoy that every Boxing Day he has to get out there and deliver more crisps as though one day without fresh(!) crisps was all the UK could take. We always tell him 'the UK needs snacks, now more than ever'...

I'll shutup now...


Well-known member
yeah red mill deserves some credit, they're like the underground of the crisp market. they make the best onion rings on the market and their mini poppodoms are not bad either.

matt b

Indexing all opinion
luka said:
yeah red mill deserves some credit, they make the best onion rings on the market .

i would have agreed until yesterday, when i happened upon a packet of M&S onion rings- woo hoo!
light on the tongue and not too powdery


Beast of Burden
Luke! Remember that classic crisp I was trying to remember? The ones that weren't Discos or Hula Hoops...

I remembered!


Ringos. What the fuck happened to Ringos?

grimly fiendish

Well-known member
gah. it (the observer article) quotes joanna blythman. the world's most po-faced food writer. she doesn't like crisps.

i mean.

what kind of human being doesn't like crisps?

and while i'm in a questioning mood, what happened to the uk crisp guide (used to be here:


Well-known member
Any love for the scampi fry? Those curious little hollow packages only available in pubs...

A special kind of pleasure, they are.

I always thought somebody should start a movement of "cuisine artificielle" with restaurants serving only the finest chemical flavours.

Scampi fries as an appetiser, followed by the more satisfying nice 'n spicy nik nak and perhaps some barbecue pringles. Then for dessert, refreshers (the kind with the powder), pop rocks and pear drops.