The Ice Age?!?



Not to sure about this myself (though i just read something in the irish times about it).

Apparantly the melting of the ice caps will lead to an influx of cold/salinated water into the gulfstream system (which gives us our 'moderate' climate), and an overall decrease in temperature in Nothern Europe - so the UK and Ireland will become more like Scandanavia (at a best case scenario)... It is of course counterintuitive - but look at it this way - if you leave a freezer open in a hot room - and it breaks down, then (in the short term) the melting of Ice within the freezer will cool down the entire room. Obviously weather systems are infinitely more complex, but I reckon that apart from global evidence of climate change (such as rising sea levels) - that many of the most dramatic changes will primarily effect local systems, ie: the recent droughts and heatwaves in Portugal and France, the flooding in Central Europe, and the increases in Hurricane activity in the Carribean...


Well-known member
Hot age , Cold age

While it may or may not be about to happen this phenomenon is a real one that has happened before.
And yea, it was the premise of "The Day After Tomorrow" (hey, the fx were good , no ? )
condensed to movie length and rushed out before the last election (the Cheney look- alike is there) .
Like tidal waves , meteors , plague and epidemics - it's happened before , could happen again
The Arctic is clearly losing alot of ice to the extent that ships could well be sailing the Northwest passage shortly , so something's going on .
NHK has run a nifty CG Animation of the phenomenon for years so it's been part of our 'possible futures' thinking for awhile now.
A possible future including walls around NYC for one thing


Well-known member
i have a nutty friend who has set off to buy property in north west spain as a result. its very cheap there!

love these diagrams:



and tomorrow (?)



there are no accidents
I've mentioned this before... I read a news article on Yahoo News one day last year which was very disturbing... the same article appeared in Fortune magazine, which was odd, but as far as I know these were the only 2 sources that touched the story:

an 80 year old retired pentagon advisor leaked a report to British press: a report compiled and signed by 180 or so international Nobel Laureate scientists detailing an environmental disaster almost exactly like the one depicted in The Day After - some of the things mentioned were: by 2020 Eastern large parts of the earth, like Europe, Cannada, etc, will become uninhabitable; that the habitable areas will be sealed off- to keep dimishing supplies in and people out. there were a lot more but I can't remember them all.


Well-known member
Colder winters for UK ?

And just yesterday , it's reported in the media' that scientists following the undersea 'conveyor'
currents have found that there has been some slowing down of the flow .
Normal fluctuations or something more , as yet to be nailed down ...


est malade
maybe it's all for the best. the less people the better for mother nature! it's too bad about the other beasts who will go down in the process, but then we never cared too much for them until now, when it's too late.

polystyle desu said:
And yea, it was the premise of "The Day After Tomorrow" (hey, the fx were good , no ? )
that movie was FUN!


there are no accidents
it's ASTOUNDING that people are not FREAKING THE FUCK OUT about this shit...

I mean, it is highly likely that in 20 years England will be as cold as Siberia! I don't know how you limeys feel about it but to me it's fucking scary. and I live in California.

what about eastern europeans? they are progressive thinkers right? why aren't they freaking out??? that entire region will prolly be all but UNINHABITABLE before too long.

what the hell is going on???


not just an addiction
confucius said:
it's ASTOUNDING that people are not FREAKING THE FUCK OUT about this shit...

I mean, it is highly likely that in 20 years England will be as cold as Siberia! I don't know how you limeys feel about it but to me it's fucking scary. and I live in California.

what about eastern europeans? they are progressive thinkers right? why aren't they freaking out??? that entire region will prolly be all but UNINHABITABLE before too long.

what the hell is going on???

Dont you get it?

Its the the liberal media pandering to the environmentalist lobby.

Nothing to worry about. Ancient ice shelves no longer appearing, drastic drops in water temperature, and a change in the flow of undercurrents arent facts, theyre theories, like evolution, and so are nothing to get worried about.


there are no accidents
because they are un-patriotic, un-american, subversive, paranoid hippie trash. that's why.

(one wink wink for me, another wink wink for the freak)


there are no accidents
if I lived in Europe, anywhere above and including Britain, I would plan to, in the next year or 2, sell everything, and move to Costa Rica.