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Deadsilence Xmas Mashup!
17th December 2005
10:00pm till 03:00am
£7/£6 before 11:00pm
Special Guests: -
Live: The Deadsilence Syndicate Band (DSS, SMB)
Dj: The Dexorcist (DSS, Control Tower, SMB)
Dj: Marcus Noblett (Room 237)
Monthly Residents: -
Computer Controlled Djs & Mark Turner (The Orbit)
Visuals by CCTV and The Beards
The Attic, Oxford Road, Manchester, M1 5NP
T: 0161 2366071
For more info on Sequence go to:
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Spawned off the back of an ageing London rave scene, the live drum and bass mayhem of The Deadsilence Syndicate Band has been recently testing soundsystems to the limit all over the UK and Europe. The six piece band use digital instruments only including Roland V-drums, V-bass and electric cello and have no sequencers or backing tracks of any kind, making them unique in a new era of dance music. Do not miss them as their wicked live show recently got them voted 2nd place in the 2005 UK finals for Emergenza, the world famous unsigned bands competition. Support on the decks from Haywire and Control Tower allstar, The Dexorcist, a Dj reknowned for his tough, breakbeat heavy mixes taking in fierce electro, dubstep and bass.
For more info the Deadsilence Syndicate go to:
Check them out live at the French Teknival: