Stop Bolkestein


Well-known member
Please read, sign and spread the word:

"Stop Bolkestein !

NO to a socially retrograde Europe
NO to an educationally regressive Europe

At the instigation of the former European Commissioner Frits Bolkenstein (a Dutch liberal), a draft directive (European law) on the free circulation of services within the European Union is currently under discussion.

If adopted, this European directive would result in the merchandisation of all services within the Union. This would mean that essential sectors such as culture, education, health care and all services relating to national social welfare systems could be exposed to the same forms of economic competition as commercial goods.

This merchandisation would inevitably lead to the deterioration of pension systems, social welfare and health care cover in favour of private insurance. It would also entail the deregulation of our education systems and the end of any kind of cultural exception.

Furthermore, the application of this directive would call into question workers’ rights as established by the national laws of the countries in the Union.

From March of this year, certain political parties and a whole host of national and European bodies (associations, unions, etc.) have sounded the alarm and called for progressive forces to make a concerted effort to fight this draft directive which represents a backwards step in terms of social rights.

Despite these efforts, a very large majority of member states now appears to be in favour of the rapid adoption of this draft directive. As unanimous approval is not required for this decision, no single government, far less a political party, is capable of preventing the adoption of this directive.

Only a concerted effort on the part of civilian society within the Union could prevent this development.

We need to act quickly.

We hereby invite you to say a clear NO to a socially retrograde Europe by signing the electronic petition available on this website."


NO to a socially retrograde Europe
NO to an educationally regressive Europe

yes of course, redC, you know i'm not a reactionary, but i'd like some more details about which parts of which economy this merchandisation / privatisation will affect. it seems like this debate has passed the UK by already, we follow the US system as much as possible with the state aiming to escape responsibilty for those parts of the economy you cite e.g. "pension systems, social welfare and health care cover" ....


Well-known member
Thanks for the reply. I just block-quoted the information on the website hosting the petition, but the whole proposal is of course a bit more complex than that. Can I ask you to read through this text which I think will clear up any doubts you may have?

As for the UK case, well, things like your trains system are frequently used as examples in our schools of what can happen when the State decides to privatise vital sectors of the economy. Contrary to liberal promises, service is not improved, cheapened or made safer or more efficient. Quite the contrary. Not that the State-run Austrian train system is so much better, but I dread to think of what would happen if the State decides to withdraw from the health, education, culture or social security/insurance sectors, as Mr Bolkestein and others propose.


Active member
"but I dread to think of what would happen if the State decides to withdraw from the health, education, culture or social security/insurance sectors, as Mr Bolkestein and others propose."

well for all save education (sorta) and social security, look to the US. And I don't mean that as "LOOK INTO THE FACE OF HELL," but you know.