The Chap Olympics

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Just thought I'd mention that I was at this last month, it was a huge amount of fun, I got sozzled on free G&Ts and it just seems, all in all, to be so hilariously un-Dissensian I thought it probable that some other buggers on here might have been to it or similar events out of a spirit of sheer contrariness...




est malade
ok, i've bookmarked that site, great fun. the moustache and hats are excellent causes! i think, tea, you would like a little rant by theodore dalrymple on hats, let me see if it's online.

edit: it's not
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est malade
i think it's about manners, role play, thirties fashions and female bonding (with homoerotic overtones)..

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Anyway, as far as I'm aware the Chaps have no affiliation to Artistasia, although I'm sure many of them would heartily approve.

Despite its name, The Chap magazine hosts events that are distinctly equal-opportunity (to anyone prepared to dress up appropriately and get into the spirit of things).


"Anyway, as far as I'm aware the Chaps have no affiliation to Artistasia, although I'm sure many of them would heartily approve."
I hate to keep proving you wrong like this but.....

"Miss Martindale's writings include The Female Disciplinary Manual, Disciplined Ladies and other stories, and The District Governess, published by The Wildfire Club, which Martindale co-founded.[4] From 2003 to 2005, Miss Martindale wrote the Ladies' Column in The Chap magazine. She discontinued this in accordance with the then-nascent Bridgehead Doctrine, which discourages Aristasians from publicly commenting on "foreign" (i.e Earth) culture and politics."

Marianne Martindale being the main person behind Arsistasia I understand.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
HACKSHERLY, I meant "I'm sure the Chaps would approve of this Artistasia thing", whereas all that shows is that they (or at least some of them) disapprove of involvement in "foriegn politics", apparently including The Chap.

So ner.


No, I mean you said that there was no link but the main Ari-thiny woman wrote for the Chap so there is a link.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
No, I mean you said that there was no link but the main Ari-thiny woman wrote for the Chap so there is a link.

Oh, I see. Carry on.

(And I said "as far as I'm aware", and as far as I was aware (then), there was no connection. :))



By turning ancient rituals of courtesy and dress into revolutionary acts, the immaculately attired Anarcho-Dandyist can use the razor-sharp crease in his trousers to press home his advantage. Once presented with the dazzling sight of rakishly angled trilbies, gleaming brogues and exquisitely mixed dry martinis, hoi polloi's long-cherished nylon sportswear and strawberry milkshakes will suddenly lose their appeal.

Crucial 21st Century reading.

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mos dan

fact music
i went to a chap party on a boat once!! it was great fun. i was supposed to be writing a piece on them but it never happened. anyway the entertainment featured loads of music hall entertainment, including a real life 'victorian paper tearer' which apparently is how people used to amuse themselves before god invented the xbox 360 a few years ago. or something.