which is the superior excuse?

which is the superior excuse

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Oooooooh. Good point. 'I swear, I was just looking after someone else's copy... I agreed because I was drunk, then read it because I was bored'.


What is the nature of your offence?

cyber-taunting John Eden about Tony Wakefield.

Seriously, I haven't commited an offence lately. I've used both excuses in the past and I'm sure I will have cause to employ them again. In future I don't want to wait until the situation is critical before I have both excuses analysed.

Edit: I mean 'Wakeford'.
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For the sake of argument, the last time I was forced to choose between the two was when I was caught dressing the cat up as Neil Tennant. This happened last year and was deemed childish and cruel. I went with 'I was bored' but in hindsight think 'I was drunk' might have been better (I was, in fact, both), though maybe I should have questioned the validity of the opinion that the cat didn't enjoy it, or blamed Beelzebub.


Oh! I thought you'd urinated inside a friend's girlfriend's car, or accused your boss of being the real Ipswich strangler, or something



john eden

male pale and stale
It depends on the nature of the offence, of course.

Boredom is a perfect excuse for minor infractions during daytime, but it does imply a sort of childishness or lack of imagination.

Drunkeness can obviously excuse a greater degree of offence, but if said offence occurred before, say, 6pm, being drunk makes you look like an alcoholic / out of control / mental.

Far better is to add context... - I was drunk because it was a mates's birthday / a work do / my pet died /

... I was bored because of this work meeting / the telly is broke / I was stuck in a traffic jam on the north circular on the way to Ikea and the radio would only tune to Chris Moyles.


No, though on a much milder note, probably the last time I transgressed was when I was introduced to a girl and said 'that's a nice coat, is it from Primark?'. tres offensif apparently. I think it was pretty clear which state of mind I was in then...

john eden

male pale and stale
For the sake of argument, the last time I was forced to choose between the two was when I was caught dressing the cat up as Neil Tennant. This happened last year and was deemed childish and cruel. I went with 'I was bored' but in hindsight think 'I was drunk' might have been better (I was, in fact, both), though maybe I should have questioned the validity of the opinion that the cat didn't enjoy it, or blamed Beelzebub.

I don't think we can help you further on this thread until we see photographic evidence - even if you have to re-enact the incident.


I think in certain situations it's best to just front it out like you what you did is perfectly understandable and your accuser is being unreasonable. Making excuses makes you look guilty in the first place. A good, hearty Larry David style "What? What did I do? It's no big deal!" in a whiny, exasperated tone of voice is is always useful.


I was discussing that kind of behaviour with a friend only yesterday. In the 90s, he found a favourite tape (hip hop off the radio), chewed up and in his younger brother's bin. When he expressed disapproval, his younger brother replied indignantly 'so what, it was shit anyway'.

Speaking of which can anyone name a KRS1/BDP tune with a sample of a boxing bell in it?