Hunt the Boeing


Well-known member
er, that's not more substantial, thats just another website, nice try though, it's still americas reichstag fire


Well-known member
oh yes... i remember hunt the boeing from a while ago... got into trouble with various people because of it... love those aerial shots of the pentagon... on some of the exterior shots you can almost see the stress fractures where the yippees tried to levitate it...


Spectres of Mark
Lots of my students are into this stuff. But there can't be anything to it.

Surely? ??????? :eek:


no i don't think there is anything in it.
it's like the conservatives trying to say that the pigs might fly posters were anti semetic, it just doesn't work.
esp as all the evidence from all over the globe points towards anti american miltitant islamic groups, whos member's bodies were found in wreckage and who's ambassadors have fessed up.


not sure about the towers but i beleive the pigs and fagin was def anti semitism,
my humble opinion natcherly, and that's another thread anyway
personally i have distinct difficulties with aviation generally.
have you seen the size of a jumbo jet, up close? they're fucking massive, and made of steel.
i had this conversation with a taxi driver back when i worked at heathrow, we were waiting at the crossing down by the cargo terminal where the planes cross over the road and all the traffic waits...
so there's this enormous plane being towed across the road in front of us, the wings almost over the car, like 50ft up....
"well you see they're full of compressed air innit see? that's how they float like a big balloon."

seems perfectly plausible to me, could anyone explain an superior alternative explanation?
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Well-known member
i used to be all sceptical till i heard what the US has actually admitted to doing, like injecting black prisoners with sphyilis for example, then i stopped being sceptical.


Well-known member
is that where they kidnap forgein nationals and take then to other countries to be tortured?


Well-known member
you tell craner stuff like that and he gets hysterical, he says, you fool, don't you see we're fighting a war, a war for our very survival, not just for our individual surivival, for the surival of our civilization, our culture, our race! these are measures we must be strong enough to take, if not for our sakes, then for the sakes of our chidren and our ancestors!


Well-known member
but then that craner bloke thinks that that bolton bloke isn't scary! personally i find him very scary... give me a rabidly militant religious extremist any day... these secular types with their arrogant assumptions about their own capacity for rational thought... dear oh dear...


Beast of Burden
give me a rabidly militant religious extremist any day

It may be arrogant to say so but I think that's pretty dumb.


Well-known member
oliver craner said:
give me a rabidly militant religious extremist any day

It may be arrogant to say so but I think that's pretty dumb.

sorry to have been flippant... (but i have fond memories of arguing with jehovah's witnesses & one always knows where one is with them... no rational argument can penetrate their armour of faith & it can be fun to attempt to do so... which is not generally the case with those of strong political opinions where one tends to get worked up... which raises the interesting question of why that should be the case... i.e. attempting to demolish one argument can be amusing, but another frustrating...!)


Well-known member
yeah i know, thats why i say scurrilous things about you! come round and see me today, i'll lend you agie march or whatever its called