The New World


Well-known member
Haven't even heard of New World, so I can't speak to it directly, but could we say the kind of beauty he conveys is particularly Christian in some way? Not sure what denomination Malick is, or what his opinions are, but in his more recent films you do get the Antonioni wandering existential thing (men playfully pursuing women, infinitely), plus some kind of grace that I would be inclined to attribute to his faith - but again, don't know much about him there.

no. its particularly advertising culture.


Well-known member
i would say its violently anti christian. its the reversal and mockery of all spiritual values.


Well Tarkovsky registers to me as simply being above Malick, as much as I like Malick and respect him.

Do you get this unrelentingly alien vibe from Tarkovsky? Even in the earth scenes in Solaris, when the kid was looking at the horse. I think it was a kid, might have been a man. Anyway, the horse came across as this otherwordly thing. I believe I was sober when watching.
I think he was a very unusual - probably extremely precious and pretentious - man who was quite removed from normal people, maybe that comes across.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
@luka Maybe I'm missing your humor here, but that isn't the vibe I get. I get the impression he is genuinely expressing deep religious and existential concerns, in such a straightforward way its almost bound to come across as trite.
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Well-known member
Maybe I'm missing your humor here, but that isn't the vibe I get. I get the impression he is genuinely expressing deep religious and existential concerns, in such a straightforward way its almost bound to come across as trite.



You can't grow up in britain and believe in beauty in the mallick way. Here it's all microwaved pasties and erstatz line dancing in community centres and hard house in leisure centres and, wherever you are, people in hi viz jackets calling you a cunt

We have evolved beyond beauty

This makes me sad. Midwestern fields have the kind of beauty that just saturates you, fills you up so contented.


That's a great failing when someone who isn't capable of it goes for The Big Ideas - it's Spinal Tap doing Stone Henge.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
If he was a serious character (I don't think i get the nuance to that term), we wouldn't even have this kind of controversy about him, no? I think the whole point is that he does well to express a common, deep existential (and particularly Christian) yearning.


Well-known member
i've got nothing interesting to say about him other than i think it's silly so no point talking to me about it.


Sus.... did you see this film Kaili Blues? It seems to me to be the kind of film that Malick wants to make or even thinks he's making.
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