How Computer Games Shaped Our Imaginations.


Tone deaf
Back to the original post, I use games as a substitute for real urban exploring. Too scared and lazy to actually vault the walls of private abandonded military bases, instead I've spent many hours just wandering around open worlds like GTA and now most recently the horribly flawed Cyberpunk.


Well-known member
I'm like rip van winkle: totally missed it all, never played one in my life. pac-man a few times at video arcades back in the 80s, never anything at home. a pinball wizard, though.

not putting them down, just not my thing and not likely to become my thing at this point. probably why I don't act with honor and courage, a weak, mask-wearing Democrat.


bandz ahoy
BTW I've become slightly obsessed with watching this guy's ultra realistic graphic having driving videos



stats thing is a metaphor for life which you see in the wild more often nowadays as in "Stan put all his skill points into abstract thought"
Isn't this more from Choose Your Own Adventure books and Dungeons and Dragons etc? May have detoured via computer games to end up in the everyday but surely it originated there.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Isn't this more from Choose Your Own Adventure books and Dungeons and Dragons etc? May have detoured via computer games to end up in the everyday but surely it originated there.
I'd say so. In fact you can probably trace out a heritage from D&D and other such board/dice games even into contemporary shooters. Fallout and Borderlands are built as series of dungeons, complete with chests, loot, etc.

So yeah I think much of the dynamics we are talkin about predate video games. Video games perhaps just bolstered the rate at whic such language and sensibilities were inoculated into the mainstream.


A lot of computer games I suppose took D&D and made it smoother, automatic, so your imagination didn't have to fill in so many gaps. For better or worse.


It's always tricky talking about games in relationship to real life in as much as games are a kind of modelling of life in any case, increasingly get confused about which way the metaphors are travelling
Also the influence. I mean looking at this cyberpunk thing that everyone is talking about, the aesthetic appears to be totally borrowed from a million predecessors... but maybe loads of people will play it and get more absorbed in it than they ever would have done in Neuromancer and it will end up shaping our actual culture more directly than the things it's built from.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
YouTube's been shoving this at me for months and I've finally given in. Pretty good. Love the dated video game backgrounds too.

Swr88 1 year ago (edited)
These renders are absolutely amazing. I really miss the days when 3d art and electronic music like this was bleeding edge and the true potential of computers and the internet was still unknown. The 1990s was a very exciting time to be alive.

Gibs 4 months ago
Playing ps1 late into the night listening to tunes like this. Those are some special memories.

prod. dxm 5 months ago
This has the same type of vibe that the Mario Kart menu music has.

milk vitasoy 5 months ago
the reason the 90s had such a positive, utopian futuristic aesthetic is because that was the last time our collective outlook on the future was positive. post-9/11, this entire sort of y2k shiny pastel futurism died out. it's good to come back to this and remember my early childhood when everyone was hopeful. :')


Well-known member
milk vitasoy 5 months ago
the reason the 90s had such a positive, utopian futuristic aesthetic is because that was the last time our collective outlook on the future was positive. post-9/11, this entire sort of y2k shiny pastel futurism died out. it's good to come back to this and remember my early childhood when everyone was hopeful. :')
