The Dissensus Canon

line b

Well-known member
Not too long ago I rewatched all of what I called 'target classics' -target being the upscale retail experience; the cultured Walmart. films like goodwill hunting, the social network, the town and etc. The departed was the only one that held up. all the rest were just worse versions of the films I remembered while the departed had a whole new dimension I left previously untapped
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ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
The Town's a classic!? I've only ever seen that poster with the masked nun thing on the front and thought it was some shitty thing along the lines of The Purge or The Conjuring or something.


Ray Winstone is superb in it

A great lesson in this scene. He gets challenged by the boys/bossman for drinking cranberry juice, but he doesn't back down. They respect him more for this decision. Afterwards they all put an arm around him, clink his pint glass, they all get sloshed.

line b

Well-known member
The Town's a classic!? I've only ever seen that poster with the masked nun thing on the front and thought it was some shitty thing along the lines of The Purge or The Conjuring or something.
it was a bit of a personal classic list, but I do think the town is revered by a fair amount of people, enough to be a target classic at least.

line b

Well-known member
The Town's a classic!? I've only ever seen that poster with the masked nun thing on the front and thought it was some shitty thing along the lines of The Purge or The Conjuring or something.
you should watch it I think youd enjoy it. its about robbing banks and being in boston


bandz ahoy
There's something really obnorxious about bawstan movies made by bawstanites about how gritty and tough bawstan is. Maybe they're not even really from bawstan but it's the white actor's change to play a disadvantaged tough guy?


Well-known member
Imagine liking Bill Burr, or worse, being friends with someone who likes Bill Burr. And they do Bill Burr jokes for you. And then Bill Burr says "ya stinkin baloney" it's hilarious.


cat malogen
Brits can take the piss out of Boston, but Lincolnshire is a fine county. Bit flat, fuck all to do, has an Imp. Joe Rogan should take heart.