

Well-known member
From "On the Scrapheap" by Luke:

'the sky
is no longer a continuous integrated space
birds disappear, fly into adjacent dimensions,
as if words fell through
a / slit
in the page.'

The confluence of birds and words.


Well-known member
Plague pod had an insight about the sudden loud covid birds

he had a guy on talking about how, over the last 40 years or so, birds have steadily had to modify their calls, removing the nuances and focussing on volume, to compete with traffic noise, which is why they are now a bit loud.


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Acorn Woodpeckers Have Multi-Day Wars, and Birds Come From All Around to Watch

You can see birds with eyes gouged out, with blood on their plumage—they fall to the ground holding each other’s legs when they’re fighting [...] These birds have spears for mouths so they can do a lot of damage.

This seems like the equivalent of an MMA match, but with more violence...

Dozens of birds, grouped in coalitions, can fight for days on end, while spectators fly in from nearly two miles away to witness a battle for the right to breed. And word spreads fast—when a bird’s death creates a vacancy in prime territory, the battle to fill it breaks out within minutes, and faraway onlookers can arrive in less than an hour.


Can turn naughty


Wow, that's amazing, surely though it can't be just me who is not entirely convinced and satisfied by the half-arsed explanation he gave at the end "This is the time when birds all round the world roost.... and they are just taking advantage of a good structure and getting away from predators" - I mean, maybe that is true as far as it goes, but how come it doesn't happen all the fucking time? There are literally millions of birds flying around, there are are also millions of houses with chimneys or open windows etc, you would hope that most of them are decent structures and will protect the birds from predators - as far as I can tell he hasn't at all addressed the question of why does it never happen normally and suddenly it did, and why this house?
And now this is not just an abstract question, but rather, one of the utmost importance and pressing urgency

"Incredibly the same thing just happened one hundred miles north in Montecido the same town where Oprah; Prince Harry and Meghan Markle live, only a steel grate kept one thousand birds out of the house"

I feel sick with worry to know that this occurred in THE SAME FUCKING TOWN as where Prince Harry lives, and they're not even investigating it properly! Imagine if it had been his house? The threat to his royal personage doesn't bear thinking of! And after his grandad just fucking snuffed it in mysterious circumstances too... is it the Americans out to get him? Or the same people who got Diana? I won't be able to sleep tonight.


Well-known member
Wow, that's amazing, surely though it can't be just me who is not entirely convinced and satisfied by the half-arsed explanation he gave at the end "This is the time when birds all round the world roost.... and they are just taking advantage of a good structure and getting away from predators" - I mean, maybe that is true as far as it goes, but how come it doesn't happen all the fucking time? There are literally millions of birds flying around, there are are also millions of houses with chimneys or open windows etc, you would hope that most of them are decent structures and will protect the birds from predators - as far as I can tell he hasn't at all addressed the question of why does it never happen normally and suddenly it did, and why this house?
And now this is not just an abstract question, but rather, one of the utmost importance and pressing urgency

I feel sick with worry to know that this occurred in THE SAME FUCKING TOWN as where Prince Harry lives, and they're not even investigating it properly! Imagine if it had been his house? The threat to his royal personage doesn't bear thinking of! And after his grandad just fucking snuffed it in mysterious circumstances too... is it the Americans out to get him? Or the same people who got Diana? I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Yeah, the "expert" really didn't explain this at all. I've been in a room at work where a lone pigeon flew through the open window and proceeded to flap about, and that was scary enough, but over a 1000 of them! I'd never laugh at Birdemic again.


Well-known member
A small family of nesting pigeons are living in my garden all of a sudden, not sure when that happened. The Mrs is enthralled but I just don't want them shitting on the decking. We shall see


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Xavi Bou is a photographer who uses chronophotography to try and reveal the trails that birds make while in flight

I am exhibiting movement through photography and changing the perception of time through birds


Xavi Bou focuses on birds, his great passion, in order to capture in a single time frame, the shapes they generate when flying, making visible the invisible.


Well-known member
Marcus Coates has done this art thing called "Dawn Chorus" where he recorded birdsong and then slowed the tempo/pitch so it matched human vocal range, then speeded it back up.

He's good is Coates, done a good book called "The Trip" about a journey up the Amazon
