
Well-known member
Jim said to me recently for a proper piss-up you need three people, two to gang up on the third one who becomes the butt of all jokes. he was suggesting that craner is the perfect person for this role. Gus also likes to play it.


Well-known member
this thread here could have been much more on topic if gus just made it about phoebe bridges who we know he loves. not doing that makes it seem like he's hiding something.


It's got nothing to do with that. Only maladjusted posh kids like indie in this country. You will never be bullied for your music taste in the states, over here, people have given their lives for being on the wrong side of the culture war.
False! People bash on indie constantly here too. Everyone's decided they're over the music they listened to 10 years ago, that it has no redeeming value, can't be talked about, everyone just immediately pretends they never liked indie it was never good

Very silly. Represent your era. There's nothing sadder than spineless twenty- and thirty-somethings who grew up on indie, renouncing it. Defend your home, asshole!


2000, after that Avalanches record. Tom Ewing has a lot to answer, we shall see if the freaky trigger is any match for the robo bumming trigger.
Nah, 2009-2012 were the best years for Pitchfork, the columns are absolutely stacked: Lindsay Zoladz, Tom Ewing, Mark Richardson, Nitsuh Abebe. Good writing being put out on the regular.


poor old gus.
This is a thread on contemporary pop music, limerence, hypochondria, narcissism, unrequited love, and crush theory.
Yes, and it was a great topic too—the linked essays give a lot to chew on when it comes to these topics. Shame no one checked them out! The "crush theory" one on the erotics hypochondria especially. A lot to learn and understand in there about contemporary psychology


im not sure that he's a masochist in a classical sense but he does relish negative attention
these threads like the think pieces are never what they purport. theyre an invitation into a game
I really don't and I really didn't.

I suppose a thread outcome like this is slightly more interesting/entertaining than e.g. the Annie Dillard thread, which just died silently, but only slightly.

We all know: I'm a racist, misogynistic incel who lives out college-era romantic traumas and has garbage taste in music. It's been said so so many times. Can we tread some new ground maybe? Crush theory is at least a vector for doing that. Getting new ideas and new vibes into the board. That's the only way it stays alive, keeps from being incestuous, keeps growing, becomes something vibrant instead of stagnant.


Everything gets greeted with posture instead of interest. And the value of a thing lies only in how much you let it change you, move you.